Modernism and its Margins
Ed. Anthony Geist and José Monleón
Examines the prevailing notions that underlie most theoretical paradigms about modernism and how those paradigms fail to account for Spanish and, especially, Latin American expressions.
Table of Contents
Modernism and Its Margins: Rescripting Hispanic Modernism
Anthony L. Geist and José B. Monleón
Part I. The Problematics of Modernism
Chapter 1
On Modernism from the Periphery
Carlos Blanco Aguinaga
Chapter 2
The Industrial Imaginary of Modernity: The “Totalizing” Gaze
Iris M. Zavala
Chapter 3
A Modernizing That Holds Us Back: Culture under the Neoconservative Regression
Néstor García Canclini
Chapter 4
Rethinking the Theory of the Avant-Garde from the Periphery
George Yúdice
Chapter 5
The Limits of Modernity in Latin American Poetry
Álvaro Salvador
Chapter 6
“Seven Islands in Search of an Author”: The Canary Islands Avant-Garde
Jacqueline Cruz
Part II. Modernists from the Margins
Chapter 7
Gender and Modernist Discourse: Emilia Pardo Bazán’s Dulce Dueño
Susan Kirkpatrick
Chapter 8
Buñuel: A Cinematographic Impugnment of Modernity/Modernism/Avant-gardism and Other Options
Víctor Fuentes
Chapter 9
Recycling the Popular: Lorca, Lorquismo, and the Culture Industry
Anthony L. Geist
Chapter 10
Cultural Liaisons in American Literatures
Guido A. Podestá
Chapter 11
Brazilian Modernism: An Idea Out of Place?
Randal Johnson
Chapter 12
Counterhegemonic Subjectivities in César Vallejo and Oswald de Andrade
Leslie Bary
Chapter 13
Borges: Tradition and the Avant-Garde
Beatriz Sarlo
Chapter 14
“Dangerous Southern Islands”: Modern Aesthetics as Anaesthetics in Carpentier’s The Lost Steps and Borges’s “The South”
Santiago Colás
Chapter 15
El siglo de las luces: Modernism and Epic
Neil Larsen
A Design for Modernity in the Margins
René Jara