Volumes from Vanderbilt University Press
These volumes are available for purchase from Vanderbilt University Press. Click on each grid title to view more information about the volume.

Ed. Eugenia Afinoguénova, Lara Anderson and Rebecca Ingram

Ed. Jennifer Carolina Gómez Menjívar

Ed. Antonio Córdoba and Daniel García-Donoso

Ed. Ivonne del Valle, Anna More, Rachel Sarah O’Toole

Ed. Michelle M. Hamilton and Nuria Silleras-Fernandez

Ed. Santa Arias and Raúl Marrero-Fente

Ed. Anthony J. Cascardi and Leah Middlebrook

Ed. David R. Castillo and Bradley J. Nelson

Ed. Luis Martín-Estudillo and Nicholas Spadaccini

Ed. David William Foster

Ed. Luis Martín-Estudillo and Roberto Ampuero

Ed. Christine Henseler and Randolph D. Pope

Ed. David R. Castillo and Massimo Lollini

Ed. Nicholas Spadaccini and Luis Martín-Estudillo