Pablo Neruda and the U.S. Culture Industry
Ed. Teresa Longo
This collection gathers a diverse group of critical and poetic voices to analyze the politics of packing and marketing Chilean poet Pablo Neruda and Latin American poetry in general in the United States. The ground swell of enthusiasm in America, the contributors argue, has relied upon a vastly oversimplified, romanticized, and depoliticized interpretation of Neruda's celebrated poetry as panacea—offering healing visions of community, hope, and wonder. The essays rediscover the richness to be found in the work of Neruda and his peers as a challenge to their commodification and misrepresentation in the American literary marketplace. This volume refocuses the lens through which we read, translate and write about Neruda-and Latin American culture-in the United States.
Table of Contents
Poetry Like Wonder Bread
Teresa LongoPart I. Reading Neruda
Chapter 1
Pablo Neruda, Interpreter of Our Century
Giuseppe BelliniChapter 2
Speak through my Words: the Poetics and Politics of Translating Neruda
Janice A. JaffeChapter 3
Pablo Neruda: Absence and Presence: the Photograph as Historical Referent
Patricia SantoroChapter 4
Quests for Alternative Cultural Antecedents: The Indigenism of Pablo Neruda, Ernesto Cardenal, and Gary Snyder
Jill KuhnheimPart II. Neruda Reconfigured: Culture, History, Politics
Chapter 5
Loving Neruda
Bruce Dean WillisChapter 6
The De-Chileanization of Neruda in Il postino
Irene B. HodgsonChapter 7
Buying into the Nerudian Condominium or Building Community: Border Culture Reclaims the Past for the New Century
Ann Marie StockChapter 8
The Poetics of Politics and the Politics of the Poet: Experience and Testimony in Pablo Neruda
Silvia N. RosmanPart III. Linking Theory to Praxis: U.S. Latino Responses
Chapter 9
Post Wonder Bread: Pablo Neruda in Centerfield?
Teresa LongoChapter 10
“The Good Liar Meets his Executioners”: the Evolution of a Poem
Martín EspadaChapter 11
Pablo Neruda’s Dilemma
Julio MarzánChapter 12
In Search of Literary Cojones: Pablo Neruda, U.S. Latino Poetry, and the U.S. Literary Canon
Marcos McPeek VillatoroAfterword
Pablo Neruda (1904): A Centennial Greeting
René Jara