The Politics of Editing

Ed. Nicholas Spadaccini and Jenaro Talens
Examines the political context of textual editing in relation to the Spanish canon as well as literary areas that have been marginalized—for example, texts written by nineteenth-century Spanish women and twentieth-century Latin American poets.

Textual Editing, the Writing of Literature, and Literary History
Nicholas Spadaccini and Jenaro Talens

  1. Poema de mio Cid
    Colin Smith
  2. Critical Editions and Literary History: The Case of Don Juan Manuel
    Reinaldo Ayerbe-Chaux
  3. A National Classic: The Case of Garcilaso’s Poetry
    Elias L. Rivers
  4. The Art of Edition as the Techné of Mediation: Garcilaso’s Poetry as Masterplot
    Iris M. Zavala
  5. The Politics of Editions: The Case of Lazarillo de Tormes
    Joseph V. Ricapito
  6. Editing Theater: A Strategy for Reading, an Essay about Dramaturgy
    Evangelina Rodríguez
  7. Editing Problems of the Romancero: The Romantic Tradition
    Pere Ferré
  8. Toward a Feminist Textual Criticism: Thoughts on Editing the Work of Coronado and Avellaneda
    Susan Kirkpatrick
  9. Framing Contexts, Gendered Evaluations, and the Anthological Subject
    Myriam Díaz-Diocaretz

The Editor’s Eros
Tom Conley