National identities and Socio-Political Changes in Latin America

Ed. Mercedes Durán-Cogan and Antonio Gómez-Moriana
In contrast to the dominant trends in Latin American Studies—which privilege either the literary, or the so called "areas studies," with its exclusive focus on political and economics issues—the basic assumption of this collective work is that the intricate web of discourse and other societal/symbolic practices in a given society results from, and nourishes, a complex dynamics of forces at play in the marketing of the Social. This dynamics, in its totality, constitutes a complex object of knowledge that this volume examines as a crossroads where historical contexts, economic and socio-political processes, and artistic representations interact.

National Identities and Sociopolitical Changes in Latin America
Antonio Gómez-Moriana and Mercedes F. Durán-Cogan

  1. The Concept of Identity
    Jorge Larraín Ibañez
  2. Towards the Sociogenic Principle: Fanon, Identity, the Puzzle of Conscious Experience, and What It Is Like to Be “Black”
    Sylvia Wynter
  3. Words and Images. Figurating and Dis-Figurating Identity
    Mercedes F. Durán-Cogan
  4. The Emergence of a Colonial (“Indian”) Voice: Inca Garcilaso and Guamán Poma
    Antonio Gómez Moriana
  5. Latin American Silver and the Early Globalization of World Trade
    Dennis O. Flynn and Arturo Giraldez
  6. Ethnic Identity and the Zapatista Rebellion in Chiapas
    José Alejos García
  7. The Indian Identity, the Existential Anguish and the Eternal Return (El tiempo principia en Xibalba, by Luis de Lión)
    Tatiana Bubnova
  8. Moors or Indians? Stereotype and the Crisis of (National) Identity in Ignacio Altamirano and Manuel de Jesús Galván
    Isabel de Sena
  9. Engendering the Nation, Nationalizing the Sacred: Guadalupismo and the Cinematic (Re)Formation of Mexican Consciousness
    Elena Feder
  10. The Rhetoric of Pathology: Political Propaganda and National Identity During the Military “Process” in Argentina
    James R. Cisneros
  11. National Identity and State Ideology in Argentina
    Victor Armony
  12. Caliban in Aztlan: From the Emergence of Chicano Discourse to the Plural Constitution of New Solidarities
    José Antonio Giménez Micó
  13. Between Iconography and Demonology: The Faces at the Fiesta of the Señor del Gran Poder
    Marcelo Nusenovich
  14. Valparaiso School of Architecture Dossier
    Various Authors

Latin American Identities and Globalization
Horacio Machín and Nicolas Spadaccini