Latin-American Identity and Constructions of Difference

Ed. Amaryll Chanady
Latin American identity is viewed as a hybrid and heterogeneous cultural construction characterized by problems specific to post-colonial societies. Situating itself within the context of the most recent North American and European literary and cultural theories, it points to the lack of attention given to Latin American philosophical discourse by these institutions and the limitations of European narratological categories.

Latin American Imagined Communities and the Postmodern Challenge
Amaryll Chanady

  1. The Antinomies of Latin American Discourse of Identity and Their Fictional Representation
    Fernando Aínsa
  2. Leopoldo Zea’s Project of a Philosophy of Latin American History
    Enrique Dussel
  3. Modernity, Postmodernity, and Novelistic Form in Latin America
    Françoise Perus
  4. Identity and Narratives Fiction in Argentina: The Novels of Abel Posse
    Blanca de Arancibia
  5. The Construction and Deconstruction of Identity in Brazilian Literature
    Zilá Bernd
  6. A Nahuatl Interpretation of the Conquest: From the “Parousia” of the Gods to the “Invasion”
    Enrique Dussel
  7. On Writing Back: Alternative Historiography in La Florida del Inca
    José Rabasa
  8. The Opossum and the Coyote: Ethnic Identity and Ethnohistory in the Sierra Norte de Puebla (Mexico)
    Pierre Beaucage
  9. A Caribbean Social Imaginary: Redoubled Notes on Critical-Fiction against the Gaze of Ulysses
    Iris M. Zavala

Pastiche Identity, and Allegory of Allegory
Alberto Moreiras