The Picaresque

Tradition and Displacement

Ed. Giancarlo Maiorino
Examines one of the major genres of Spanish Renaissance and Baroque literature from contemporary critical perspectives, dealing with those literary works not just as "monuments," but as "documents" where processes of institutionalization, political misreading, and the marginalization of discourses are inscribed.

Renaissance Marginalities
Giancarlo Maiorino

  1. Picaresque Econopoetics: At the Watershed of Living Standards
    Giancarlo Maiorino
  2. “Otras cosillas que no digo”: Lazarillo’s Dirty Sex
    George A. Shipley
  3. Picturing the Picaresque: Lazarillo and Murillo’s Four Figures on a Step
    Luis Beltrán
  4. The Author’s Author, Typography, and Sex: The Fourteenth Mamotreto of La Lozana andaluza
    Luis Beltrán
  5. Breaking the Barriers: The Birth of López de Ubeda’s Pícara Justina
    Nina Cox Davis
  6. Defining the Picaresque: Authority and the Subject in Guzmán de Alfarache
    Carroll B. Johnson
  7. Trials of Discourse: Narrative Space in Quevedo’s Buscón
    Edward H. Friedman
  8. Picaresque Elements in Cervantes’s Works
    Manuel Durán
  9. Sonnes of the Rogue: Picaresque Relations in England and Spain
    Anne J. Cruz
  10. The Protean Picaresque
    Howard Mancing

Revisiting the Picaresque in Postmodern Times
Francisco J. Sánchez and Nicholas Spadaccini