Autobiography in Early Modern Spain

Ed. Nicholas Spadaccini and Jenaro Talens

Examines the "rise" of modern literature as articulated around the concept of autobiography. The essays deal with literary and historical production from the perspective of the reader as co-author/co-producer of meaning.

The Construction of the Self. Notes on Autobiography in Early Modern Spain
Nicholas Spadaccini and Jenaro Talens

  1. Narration and Argumentation in Autobiographical Discourse
    Antonio Gómez-Moriana
  2. A Clown at Court: Francesillo de Zúñiga’s Crónica burlesca
    George Mariscal
  3. A Methodological Prolegomenon to a Post-Modernist Reading of Santa Teresa’s Autobiography
    Patrick Dust
  4. Golden Age Autobiography: The Soldiers
    Margarita Levisi
  5. The Picaresque as Autobiography: Story and History
    Edward Friedman
  6. The Function of Picaresque Autobiographies: Toward a History of Social Offenders
    Anthony N. Zahareas
  7. Fortune’s Monster and Monarchy in Las relaciones de Antonio Pérez
    Helen H. Reed
  8. The Woman at the Border: Some Thoughts on Cervantes and Autobiography
    Ruth El Saffar
  9. Poetry as Autobiography: Theory and Poetic Practice in Cervantes
    Jenaro Talens

Curriculum vitae
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra