Second-Generation Experiences

In Adam's story, he talks about the importance of tortillas at his breakfast table and what they mean to him "as a second-generation Mexican immigrant, growing up closer to Lake Superior than the Rio Grande."

Nelsie, the daughter of Hmong refugees, talks about how experiences of racism in the United States and discrimination she observed as a study abroad student in Thailand led her to become active in political and social justice movements in Minnesota.

Both of Caren’s parents immigrated to the United States from Mexico before she was born in 1995. In her story, she reflects on the impact of her mother on her life, especially as she was graduating from college in Minnesota.

Madeleine was born to two Nigerian immigrants in the United States. She explains how her father was deported when she was young, forcing her mother to raise three children by herself while attending nursing school. Her father was only able to come back eleven years later.