Career Exploration
Career development is a lifelong process of self-discovery, career exploration, gaining meaningful experiences, intentional reflection, and career decision-making and planning. Utilize CLA Career Services staff and resources to help you navigate your career exploration and post-graduation planning process.
For more information on what you can do with a major in Jewish Studies, visit CLA Career Services or explore Handshake, the U of M's exclusive online career database.
Jewish studies majors go on to have successful careers in business, religious life, academics, advocacy, politics, government, publishing, the arts, research, and much more. Our majors and minors go on to have positions as advisors, development officers, and religious leaders. Exploring Jewish history and culture and their impact on the modern world.
For more information on what you can do with a major in Jewish studies, visit CLA Career Services or explore Handshake, the U of M's exclusive online career database.
Jewish studies majors and minors can expect to gain skills in understanding ancient culture, Hebrew, communication and writing, cross-cultural knowledge, and more. We prepare our majors for the ever-changing world by teaching them how to form clear and persuasive messages, work independently and collaboratively, and have an understanding of minority perspectives on a variety of issues.
In addition, what you do outside of the classroom can improve your confidence, enhance your skills, and build your resume. Therefore, we encourage you to seek out real-world experience through research opportunities, community engagement, and internships to help you feel confident in your decision upon graduation. You may also gain valuable and relevant skills in Jewish studies by studying abroad or joining a student organization.
Prioritize your next steps by building an effective strategy for applying to graduate programs, jobs, and/or service opportunities.
- Schedule an individual appointment with a CLA career counselor by calling 612-624-7577
- Explore Handshake, the U of M’s exclusive job and internship search database
- Attend upcoming employer and career events and workshops to start building a network
- Connect with us online via Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
CLA Career Services
411 Bruininks Hall
Career Counselor, Jewish studies
Contact Katy Hinz ([email protected]) for specialized career and graduate planning for Jewish studies majors.