Scholarships & Grants

For more information, contact:
Dr. Natan Paradise
Director of the Center for Jewish Studies

Applications should be sent to the Center for Jewish Studies ([email protected]).

Scholarships in Support of Study in Israel

There is significant scholarship support to enable study in Israel. For more information, please contact Director of Undergraduate Studies Natan Paradise [email protected]. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

Spring Semester 

Barbara D. and Lee Bearmon Internship Award

Amount: $2,000

This scholarship provides support to students doing unpaid internships in Jewish communal and social justice organizations.

Rolling deadline until funds are awarded; consult with Natan Paradise ([email protected])

Eligibility Requirements

  • The recipient of the award shall be a full-time (at least 13 credits) student in CLA. Currently enrolled as an undergraduate at the University of Minnesota and continued enrollment for the 2024–2025 academic year
  • Participating in University approved, unpaid, internships in Jewish Communal and social justice organizations and interested in issues related to ethical behavior and leadership.

Leo & Lillian Gross Scholarship in Jewish Studies

Amount: $1,000

This scholarship provides support for full-time undergraduate students with academic promise and financial need, who are actively pursing a major or minor in Jewish studies, or whose academic interests include the field of Jewish Studies and who might pursue further work in Jewish Studies.

Application deadline: April 5 (By Midnight)

Eligibility Requirements

  • The recipient of the award shall be a full-time (at least 13 credits) student in CLA. Currently enrolled as an undergraduate at the University of Minnesota and continued enrollment for the 2024–2025 academic year
  • Pursuing a major or minor in Jewish Studies and continuing to pursue their Jewish Studies degree in the 2024–2025 academic year, or with demonstrated interest and commitment to further work in Jewish Studies
  • Successfully completed at least one Jewish Studies course
  • High academic performance

Students may qualify for funds from this award for more than one year, as long as they are making good progress toward their degree in Jewish studies and continue in high academic standing.

Application Requirements

Applicants are asked to submit the following to the Center for Jewish Studies ([email protected]) no later than April 5, 2024:

  • A letter of application, maximum 2 pages, stating the importance of Jewish studies in your undergraduate education and your future goals
  • Undergraduate transcript
  • A letter of recommendation from a faculty member. Please request that your professor send their letter to the Center for Jewish Studies ([email protected]).

Goldenberg Prize for Outstanding Essays in Jewish Studies

Amount: $500

Undergraduate students at the University of Minnesota are invited to submit a research paper in the field of Jewish studies. The paper may investigate any time period, from antiquity to the present day. Papers must have been written during summer 2023, fall 2023, or spring 2024.

Application deadline: April 5 (By Midnight)

Application Requirements

Papers must be typed, double-spaced, and include a cover sheet stating:

Address, phone number, and e-mail address
Undergraduate major
Academic standing (e.g., freshman, sophomore)
The title of the paper and course for which it was written

Eligibility: All applicants must be in high academic standing.

Send your research paper to the Center for Jewish Studies ([email protected]). 

Jonathan Paradise Modern Hebrew Study Prize

Amount: $1,000

The Center for Jewish Studies will award one or more prizes for the 2024–2025 academic year to an undergraduate student who will be enrolled in Hebrew 5090 Advanced Modern Hebrew in fall 2024. The Professor Jonathan Paradise Fund for Modern Hebrew Language was established to encourage the advanced study of modern Hebrew.

Application deadline: April 5 (By Midnight)

Eligibility Requirements

  • Must be in good academic standing
  • No less than a 3.25 cumulative GPA or its equivalent
  • A 3.8 GPA in modern Hebrew
  • Must have completed, or have in progress, the prerequisite to enroll in HEBR 5090 (Advanced Modern Hebrew), provide evidence of enrollment in 5090 by May 14, 2024, and provide transcript evidence of completion by January 3, 2025. The award will be disbursed so as to apply to spring 2025 tuition.

Application Requirements 

  • Write and send a one-page essay detailing their interest in modern Hebrew
    • Include reasons for your desire to continue your Hebrew studies
    • Please provide specific examples to illustrate your points