
Name Contact
Jennifer K. Alexander
Associate Professor
HSTM and Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota
[email protected]
Jerry Chandler
Independent scholar
[email protected]
Beatriz Baselga Cervera
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior, University of Minnesota
[email protected]
Susan Craddock
Department of Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, University of Minnesota
[email protected]
Colin DeYoung
Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota
[email protected]
Max Dresow
Department of Philosophy, Macalester College
[email protected]
Felipe Eguiarte
Pavek Museum, Minnesota 
[email protected]
Benjamin H. Feintzeig
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy, University of Washington
[email protected]
Sophia Knight
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science, University of Minnesota Duluth
[email protected]
Robert Krueger
Hathaway Distinguished Professor, Distinguished McKnight University Professor
Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota
[email protected]
Matt McGue
Regents Professor
Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota
[email protected]
Benjamin McMyler
Independent Scholar
[email protected]
Ron Okagaki
University of Minnesota (retired)
[email protected]
Archie Potter II
[email protected]
Amy Riegelman
Assistant Librarian
[email protected]
Allison Shaw
Assistant Professor
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior, University of Minnesota
[email protected]
JB Shank
Department of History, University of Minnesota
[email protected]
Daniel Stanton
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior, University of Minnesota
[email protected]
Jer Steeger
Department of Philosophy, University of Washington
[email protected]
Steven D. Stovitz
Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, University of Minnesota Medical School
[email protected]
Frank Symons
Department of Educational Psychology, University of Minnesota
[email protected]
Niels Waller
Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota
[email protected]

Former Affiliates

Emma Goldberg
Assistant Professor
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior, University of Minnesota
Alan Gross
Department of Communication Studies, University of Minnesota
Douglas E. Lewis
Professor Emeritus
Philosophy, University of Minnesota
Naomi Scheman
Professor Emerita 
Philosophy, University of Minnesota