Griffith Receives “The Gopher Way” Award for Outstanding Academic Advising and Advocacy

Korrina Griffith

Congratulations to Korrina Griffith on receiving the U of M Academic Advising Network’s “The Gopher Way” Award. This well-deserved award comes with a $500 prize in recognition of their exemplary work as an academic advisor, specifically for modeling inclusivity and advocacy.

The award’s criteria highlight Griffith’s commitment to promoting inclusivity, equity, and justice all while actively taking steps to disrupt dominant narratives and structural oppression with advisees, within advising sessions and broader university contexts. She has demonstrated a dedication to using their platform to amplify the contributions of and voices of students and colleagues who enact change within the university community.

Their efforts extend beyond individual interactions, as Griffith has played a role in prompting wider conversations that invite a deeper understanding of issues of power and privilege through methods such as accountability, critical feedback, and personal self-reflection.

Korrina Griffith will be honored at the 2024 John Tate Professional Development Conference and Award Ceremony on February 29. This recognition is a testament to their outstanding contributions to academic advising, and we look forward to celebrating their achievements during this event.

Korrina Griffith, Undergraduate Advisor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Minnesota.

Composed by Madison Stromberg, communications assistant.

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