Insights on Surprising Correlations between Personality and Cognitive Ability from Landmark Study
Based on a study of over 1,300 studies involving millions of people across the globe as well as decades, Kevin Stanek and Deniz Ones are quoted by Big Think in the article “An enormous study links intelligence and personality in surprising ways.” Stanek and Ones found that there are considerable, previously undocumented relations between personality attributes and cognitive abilities. Ones and Stanek plan to use this newfound discovery to further understand why certain personality traits and cognitive abilities go together and how they can help one to succeed.
Deniz Ones, PhD, Distinguished McKnight University Professor and Hellervik Professor of Industrial and Organizational Psychology in the Department of Psychology at the University of Minnesota.
Kevin Stanek, PhD, researcher in the Department of Psychology at the University of Minnesota.
Composed by Madison Stromberg, communications assistant.