Now at the Weisman Art Museum: An Invitation to “The World Inside You”

Headshot of Dr. Wilma Koutstaal

The Weisman Art Museum is presenting the exhibit, “The World Inside You” which opened on April 5, 2023. This event features artistic works created by adolescents as they participated in an eight-day "creativity camp" based on scientific research. Forty adolescents joined this camp to help researchers understand how creative expression can aid one’s mental health and brain flexibility. Wilma Koutstaal is a co-investigator of this project and, with her lab, developed various flexible thinking exercises to foster mental agility and also spearheaded a novel way to assess imagination during fMRI brain scanning. The camp aims to bring awareness to the “connection between the self and creativity through various reflective, imaginative, and exploratory activities.”

Wilma Koutstaal, PhD, Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Minnesota. 

Composed by Madison Stromberg, communications assistant.


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