Ones Quoted by Macau News


Profile: Deniz Ones

Deniz Ones, PhD, Hellervik Professor of Industrial Psychology and Distinguished McKnight University Professor, and Distinguished University Teacher of the University of Minnesota’s Department of Psychology, was quoted in a news story from Agence France-Presse on police selection in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death. The article titled “After Floyd death, police face calls on screening recruits” was then picked up by several news outlets around the world, including Macau NewsYahoo NewsThe GuardianLe Journal de MontréalLa Presse (Canada), and L’Obs, among others.

Also quoted in the article is James Butcher, a University of Minnesota Emeritus Psychology professor, an expert in screening for psychopathology. Butcher attributes much police violence to poor applicant screening. Professor Ones agrees, and calls for more rigorous psychological screening of police recruits and questions how well recruits are evaluated for maladaptive personality traits. If screening is poor and evaluating psychologists are not “properly trained or properly interpreting [psychological assessment] results, the result could be negligent hiring and more of what we’ve seen with this violence by police,” Ones said.

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