Students On the Market
Find information about current University of Minnesota sociology PhD candidates now or soon to be on the job market.
Matthew Aguilar-Champeau
Aguilar-Champeau CV | Personal page
Advisor: Enid Logan
Research Interests: Race, Class, Culture, Gaming, Marxist Sociology, Qualitative Methods
Dissertation Title: "RUN-STOP-FIERCE: An Ethnographic Examination of Race and Culture in the Fighting Game Community"
Gunercindo Espinoza
Espinoza CV
Advisor: Joyce Marie Bell
Research Interests: Critical Race Theory, Law and Society, and Social Movements
Dissertation Title: "The United States Supreme Court as an Intellectual White Space: Amicus Briefs' Influence on Bakke (1978)"
Ethan Johnson
Johnson CV
Advisor: Penny Edgell
Research Interests: Culture, social movements, anti-racism, urban sociology, transportation and urban planning
Dissertation Title: "Whose Roads are They? Resisting, Organizing, and Existing within Car-Dominated Transportation Infrastructure in the Twin Cities"
Jillian LaBranche
LaBranche CV | Personal page
Advisors: Joachim Savelsberg and Alejandro Baer
Research Interests: Sociology of Knowledge, Collective Memory, Comparative Methods, Transitional Justice, Mass Violence, and Education
Dissertation Title: "Violence in the Classroom: Negotiating Historical Narratives in Rwanda and Sierra Leone"
Tayler Nelson
Advisors: Teresa Gowan and Kathleen Hull
Research Interests: Sex & Gender, Medical Sociology, Mental Health, Emotions, Embodiment, Qualitative Methods
Dissertation Title: "Bad at Love: Constructing ‘Healthy’ Relationships through Sex and Love Addiction Recovery"
Christopher Robertson
Robertson CV| Personal page
Advisor: Michelle Phelps
Research Interests: Crime, Law, and Justice; Punishment; Population Health; Race and Racism; Socio-Spatial Processes; Urban Sociology
Dissertation Title: "Covenanted-Policing: Policing, Spatial Racism, and Health (In)Equity in Minneapolis, Minnesota"
Erika Sanborne
Sanborne CV
Advisor: Elizabeth Heger Boyle
Research Interests: Population Health and Demography, Subjective Wellbeing, Critical Disability Studies, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Data Science
Dissertation Title: Leave No One Behind: Disability, Well-being, and National Policy
Nikoleta Sremac
Advisors: Joachim Savelsberg and Alejandro Baer
Research Interests: Political Sociology and Social Movements; Race, Class, and Gender; Collective Memory and Cultural Trauma; Human Rights; Peace, War, and Social Conflict; Genocide and Mass Violence.
Dissertation Title: "History in Whose Hands? Gendering Collective Memory of the Yugoslav Wars in Serbia"