Our faculty members serve on advisory boards, travel the globe to speak at conferences, appear in the media, and publish the books and articles that drive the direction of the discipline. We share the University's commitment to value a diversity of viewpoints and experiences, and to strive to provide a productive work environment for all University of Minnesota scholars from varying racial, ethnic, religious, social class, sexual identity, and national backgrounds.
You can also review our recent Faculty Publications and our Faculty Research Brochure to learn more about faculty members and their areas of interest.
Regular Faculty
Name | Contact | Specialty |
Cawo Abdi Associate Professor |
1033 Social Sci Bldg cabdi@umn.edu |
Migration; Gender, Race, and Class; Family; Islam; Education; Development Studies; Human Rights; Globalization; Africa; Middle East. |
Yanjie Bian Professor Sabbatical Fa24 |
967 Social Sci Bldg bianx001@umn.edu |
Economic Sociology; Social Networks; Social Stratification; Chinese Society. |
Elizabeth Heger Boyle Professor Sabbatical Sp25 |
1123 Social Sci Bldg boyle014@umn.edu |
Sociology of Law; Globalization; Children’s and Women’s Rights. |
Penny Edgell Professor |
1039 Social Sci Bldg edgell@umn.edu |
Culture; Religion; Gender & Family; Symbolic Boundaries & Inequality. |
Michael Esposito Assistant Professor |
1078 Social Sci Bldg mesposit@umn.edu |
Demography; Statistics; Structural Racism; Policing; Neighborhoods; Health. |
Laura Garbes Assistant Professor |
925 Social Sci Bldg garbes@umn.edu |
Racial Theory; Organizations; Media Theory; Cultural Studies; Sound Studies; Economic Sociology. |
Joseph Gerteis Professor |
948 Social Sci Bldg gerte004@umn.edu |
Politics and Political Culture; Historical Sociology; Social Theory; Inclusion and Exclusion in American Society. |
Michael Goldman Associate Professor |
1070 Social Sci Bldg mgoldman@umn.edu |
Transnational, Political Economic, and Urban Sociology; Transnational Institutions of Finance, Development, and Expertise. |
Nick Graetz Assistant Professor |
1172 Social Sci Bldg ngraetz@umn.edu |
Social Demography; Housing; Population Health; Race; Climate; Inequality; Policy. |
Douglas Hartmann Professor |
1014B Social Sci Bldg hartm021@umn.edu |
Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration; Sociology of Culture; Sport Studies; Social Movements and Political Sociology; American Society; Field Methods; Contemporary Theory; Public Engagement. |
Kathleen Hull Professor & Chair |
909A Social Sci Bldg hull@umn.edu |
Culture; Law; Family; Gender and Sexuality; Social Movements. |
Claire Kamp Dush Professor Sabbatical Fa24 & Sp25 |
1031 Social Sci Bldg kampdush@umn.edu |
Family & the Life Course; Population Health; Human Development & Family Studies; Intimacy/Sexuality; Gender & Work; Sexual & Gender Minorities & Health |
David Knoke Professor |
939 Social Sci Bldg knoke001@umn.edu |
Social Networks; Political Sociology; Economic Sociology; Organizations. |
Carolyn Liebler Professor Sabbatical Fa24 & Sp25 |
1135 Social Sci Bldg liebler@umn.edu |
Race and Ethnicity; Social Demography; Indigenous Peoples; Social Stratification; Sociology of the Family and Life Course; Social Support. |
Enid Logan Associate Professor |
956 Social Sci Bldg elogan@umn.edu |
Blackness in the Americas; Race & the Body; Race & Electoral Politics; Race & Parenting; Blacks and Social Class; Afro-Latin America. |
Ann Meier Professor Associate Dean |
1127 Social Sci Bldg meierann@umn.edu |
Family and Life Course; Adolescent and Young Adult Development; Gender.
Natalia Otto Instructor Tenure Track |
1178 Social Sci Bldg notto@umn.edu |
International Criminology; Gender & Violence; Narrative Methods. |
Joshua Page Professor Associate Chair |
1133 Social Sci Bldg page@umn.edu |
Crime, Law, Deviance, and Punishment; Labor and Unionization; Political Sociology; Qualitative Research Methods; Social Theory. |
Michelle Phelps Professor Director of Graduate Studies |
1035 Social Sci Bldg phelps@umn.edu |
Crime, Law, and Deviance; Inequality; Mixed Methods. |
Joachim Savelsberg Professor Arsham & Charlotte Ohanessian Chair Offsite Fa24 |
1144 Social Sci Bldg savel001@umn.edu |
Knowledge, Memory & Representations; Law, Crime & Punishment; Human Rights; Comparative; Theory. |
Teresa Swartz Professor Sabbatical Fa24 & Sp25 |
1125 Social Sci Bldg tswartz@umn.edu |
Families; Intergenerational Relations; Social Inequality; Asian American Studies; Gender; Welfare State; Children, Youth and Young Adulthood. |
Christopher Uggen Regents Professor |
1014A Social Sci Bldg 612-624-4016 uggen001@umn.edu |
Crime, Law, Justice; Life Course; Inequality; Methods; Policy. |
Jane VanHeuvelen Assistant Professor Director of Undergraduate Studies |
1178 Social Sci Bldg jvanheuv@umn.edu |
Medical Sociology; Organizations; Mental Health & Illness: Health Disparities; Work & Occupations. |
Tom VanHeuvelen Associate Professor |
1131 Social Sci Bldg tvanheuv@umn.edu |
Stratification & Inequality; Comparative & Historical Sociology; Quantitative Methodology; Sociology of Development. |
Michael L. Walker Associate Professor |
952 Social Sci Bldg walkerml@umn.edu |
Social Control; Stratification; Inequality; Criminal Justice. |
Rob Warren Professor |
1167 Social Sci Bldg warre046@umn.edu |
Social Inequality; Education; Health Disparities; Demography. |
Elizabeth Wrigley-Field Associate Professor |
935 Social Sci Bldg ewf@umn.edu |
Formal Demography; Social Demography; Race; Health; Inequality. |
Associate Faculty
Name | Contact | Specialty |
Ed Cornelius Instructor |
960 Social Sci Bldg ecorneli@umn.edu |
Law & Society; Punishment; Globalization; Sociological Theory. |
Gabrielle Ferrales Sr Lecturer |
1152 Social Sci Bldg ferrales@umn.edu |
Law and Society; Gender; Criminology and Criminal Justice; International Criminal Law; Quantitative and Qualitative Methods; Factorial Survey Methods for Empirical Analysis. |
Austin Luzbetak Lecturer |
1156 Social Sci Bldg aluz@umn.edu |
Environmental Justice; Critical Criminology & Green Criminology; Human Dimensions of Climate Change; Punishment & Society. |
Affiliate Faculty
Name | Contact |
Ryan Allen Associate Professor Humphrey School of Public Affairs |
295B Humphrey School allen650@umn.edu |
Valerie Belair-Gagnon Assistant Professor Hubbard School of Journalism and Mass Communication |
329 Murphy Hall vbg@umn.edu |
Rose Brewer Professor African American & African Studies |
810 Social Sciences brewe001@umn.edu |
Kathleen Call Professor School of Public Health |
15-223 Phillips Wangensteen Building callx001@umn.edu |
Brooke Cunningham Assistant Professor Department of Family Medicine and Community Health |
717 Delaware St SE, Rm 420 bcunning@umn.edu |
Christina Ewig Professor Humphrey School of Public Affairs |
301 – 19th Avenue South cewig@umn.edu |
Sarah Flood Research Manager Institute for Social Research & Data Innovation |
50 Willey Hall floo0017@umn.edu |
Karen Ho Associate Professor Anthropology |
395 HHH Center karenho@umn.edu |
Donna McAlpine Associate Professor School of Public Health |
D362 Mayo mcalp004@umn.edu |
Carrie Oelberger Assistant Professor Humphrey School of Public Affairs |
249 Humphrey School coelberg@umn.edu |
Jennifer Pierce Professor American Studies |
204 Scott Hall pierc012@umn.edu |
Christopher Roberts Associate Professor Law School |
450 Mondale Hall cnr@umn.edu |
Evan Roberts Assistant Professor Medical School, History of Medicine |
505 Diehl Hall eroberts@umn.edu |
Steven Ruggles Professor History & Founder of ISRDI & the MN Population Center |
945 Heller Hall ruggl001@umn.edu |
Karen Seashore Regents Professor Emerita CEHD, Org. Leadership, Policy & Development |
330 Burton Hall klouis@umn.edu |
Tetyana Shippee Professor School of Public Health |
tshippee@umn.edu |
Mark Snyder Professor Psychology |
N218 Elliott Hall msnyder@umn.edu |
Joe Soss Professor Humphrey School of Public Affairs |
261 Humphrey School jbsoss@umn.edu |
Emeriti Faculty
Name | Contact |
Ron Aminzade Professor Emeritus |
aminzade@umn.edu |
Jeffrey Broadbent Professor Emeritus |
broad001@umn.edu |
Teresa Gowan Professor Emeritus |
tgowan@umn.edu |
Phyllis Moen Professor Emeritus |
1168 Social Sci Bldg phylmoen@umn.edu |
Jeylan Mortimer Professor Emeritus |
morti002@umn.edu |
Joel Nelson Professor Emeritus |
nelso004@umn.edu |
Ira Reiss Professor Emeritus |
Joel Samaha Professor Emeritus |
jbs@umn.edu |
David Ward Professor Emeritus |
dward1144@aol.com |