Professor Joachim Savelsberg Receives the Harry J. Kalven, Jr. Award
UMN Sociology Professor Joachim Savelsberg was awarded The Law & Society Association's prestigious Harry J. Kalven, Jr. Award. The Law & Society Association bestows the Harry J. Kalven Award annually to a scholar for "empirical scholarship that has contributed most effectively to the advancement of research in law and society."
Professor Savelsberg has been a life-long sociolegal scholar, holding research positions all around the world. Described as an “intellectual pioneer” in the field, he has written eight books and over 100 articles and essays, many of which have been featured in law and society research venues. Professor Savelsberg’s research seeks to understand the place of law in addressing and remembering mass violence, atrocities and the need for transitional justice.
Congratulations, Professor Savelsberg!