American Mosaic Project Publications

The American Mosaic Project is designed to contribute to our understanding of what brings Americans together, what divides us, and the implications of our diversity for our political and civic life.


Delehanty, Jack, Penny Edgell, and Evan Stewart. “Christian America? Secularized Evangelical Discourse and the Boundaries of National Belonging.” Social Forces. Accepted, In Press.

Frost, Jacqui and Penny Edgell. 2018. “Rescuing Nones From the Reference Category: Civic Engagement Among the Nonreligious in America.” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 47(2):417–38.

Stewart, Evan, Penny Edgell, and Jack Delehanty. 2018. “The Politics of Religious Prejudice and Tolerance for Cultural Others.” The Sociological Quarterly 59(1):17–39.


Croll, Paul R. and Joseph Gerteis. 2017. “Race as an Open Field: Exploring Identity beyond Fixed Choices.” Sociology of Race and Ethnicity

Edgell, Penny, Jacqui Frost, and Evan Stewart. 2017. "From Existential to Social Understandings of Risk: Examining Gender Differences in Non-religion.Social Currents. Accepted, in press. 

Frost, Jacqui and Penny Edgell. 2017. "Distinctiveness Reconsidered: Religiosity, Structural Location, and Understandings of Racial Inequality.Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. Accepted, in press.

Hartmann, Douglas, Paul R. Croll, Ryan Larson, Joseph Gerteis, and Alex Manning. 2017. “Colorblindness as Identity: Key Determinants, Relations to Ideology, and Implications for Attitudes about Race and Policy.” Sociological Perspectives 60(5):866–88.


Edgell, Penny, Douglas Hartmann, Evan Stewart, and Joseph Gerteis. 2016. “Atheists and Other Cultural Outsiders: Moral Boundaries and the Non-Religious in the United States.” Social Forces. 1-33.

Stewart, Evan. 2016. “The True (Non)Believer? Atheists and the Atheistic in the United States.” Pp. 137–160 in Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion, edited by R. Cipriani and F. Garelli. Brill.


Hartmann, Douglas. 2015. “Reflections on Race, Diversity, and the Crossroads of Multiculturalism.” The Sociological Quarterly 56(4):623–39.

Manning, Alex, Douglas Hartmann, and Joseph Gerteis. 2015. “Colorblindness in Black and White An Analysis of Core Tenets, Configurations, and Complexities.” Sociology of Race and Ethnicity 1(4):532–46.


Hartmann, Douglas, Dan Winchester, Penny Edgell, and Joseph Gerteis. 2011. "How Americans Understand Racial and Religious Differences: A Test of Parallel Items from a National Survey." Sociology Quarterly. 52(3): 323-345.


Edgell, Penny and Eric Tranby. 2010. "Shared Visions? Diversity and Cultural Membership in American Life." Social Problems. 57(2): 175-204.

Torkelson, Jason and Douglas Hartmann. 2010. "White Ethnicity in Twenty-First Century America: Findings from a New National Survey." Ethnic and Racial Studies. 1:1-22.


Hartmann, Douglas, Joseph Gerteis, and Paul R. Croll. 2009. "An Empirical Assessment of Whiteness Theory: Hidden from How Many?" Social Problems. 56(3): 403-424.


Tranby, Eric, and Douglas Hartmann. 2008. "Critical Whiteness Theories and the Evangelical 'Race Problem': Extending Emerson and Smith's Divided by Faith." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 47(3): 341-359.


Bell, Joyce, and Douglas Hartmann. 2007. "Diversity in Everyday Discourse: The Cultural Ambiguities and Consequences of 'Happy Talk'." American Sociological Review. 72(December): 895-914.

Croll, Paul R. 2007. "Modeling Determinants of White Racial Identity: Results from a New National Survey." Social Forces 86(2): 613-642.

Edgell, Penny and Danielle Docka. 2007. "Beyond the Nuclear Family? Familism and Gender Ideology in Diverse Religious Communities." Sociological Forum. 22(1): 26-51.

Edgell, Penny and Eric Tranby. 2007. "Religious Influences on Understandings of Racial Inequality in the United States." Social Problems. 54(2): 263-288.

King, Ryan D. and Melissa Weiner. 2007. "Group Position, Collective Threat, and American Anti-Semitism." Social Problems. 54(1): 57-77.

King, Ryan D. and Darren Wheelock. 2007. "Group Threat and Social Control: Race, Perceptions of Minorities and the Desire to Punish." Social Forces. 85(3):1255-1280.


Edgell, Penny, Joseph Gerteis, and Douglas Hartmann. 2006. "Atheists as 'Other': Moral Boundaries and Cultural Membership in American Society." American Sociological Review. 71(2): 211-234.


Hartmann, Douglas and Joseph Gerteis. 2005. "Dealing with Diversity: Mapping Multiculturalism in Sociological Terms." Sociological Theory. 23(2): 218-240. 

Hartmann, Douglas, Xeufeng Zhang, and William Wischstadt. 2005. "One (Multicultural) Nation Under God? Changing Uses and Meanings of the Term 'Judeo-Christian' in the American Media." Journal of Media and Religion. 4(4): 207-240.

Elaaine Hernandez