MA & PhD Program Career Outcomes
An RSTC degree prepares graduates for a diverse range of careers in fields including academia, technical communication, instructional design, non-profit work and advocacy, and research management. Across the last 10 years, the majority of our graduates have pursued academic positions in teaching, research, and writing program administration. A growing number of graduates are pursuing industry, government, and non-profit work. Our program works closely with students to help them develop individualized career development plans.
Career Development Support
The RSTC program offers numerous professional and career development opportunities to support students in meeting their goals. We are also lucky to work closely with the Department's Technical Communication Advisory Board and CLA’s Graduate Career Services. We actively support and celebrate a wide range of career trajectories.
Recent Graduates
Mikayla Davis
“Writing for Fun: Using Play in the College Writing Classroom”
Advisor: Lee-Ann Kastman Breuch
Mark Brenden
"Composition's Terms of Use: The Pedagogical Implications of Learning Management Systems"
Advisors: Patrick Bruch & Tom Reynolds
Initial Post-Graduation Plan: Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin - River Falls (WI)
Brandi Fuglsby
"Including Critical Feminist Approaches in the Technical Communication Classroom: An Autoethnography throughout Changing Rhetorical Ecologies"
Advisor: Ann Hill Duin
Initial Post-Graduation Plan: Assistant Professor, Austin Peay State University (TN)
Alexander Champoux-Crowley
"Negotiation & Translation in First Year Composition WPA Work: Transformative Professional Knowledge to Composition Practice"
Advisor: Patrick Bruch
Initial Post-Graduation Plan: Lecturer, University of Southern Maine (ME)
Katlynne Davis
"Writing Across Layers of Precarity: Professionals’ Digital Social Media Labor in Mental Health Advocacy"
Advisors: Lee-Ann Kastman Breuch & Ann Hill Duin
Initial Post-Graduation Plan: Assistant Professor, University of St Thomas (MN)
Evelyn Dsouza
"The Rhetorical Ecology of an Urban Wetland Complex"
Advisors: Donald Ross & Dan Card
Initial Post-Graduation Plan: Technical Editor, WSP (NJ)
Danielle Mollie Stambler
"Eat Well to Work Well: Oppression, Risk, Power, and the Rhetorics of Employee Wellness"
Advisors: Molly Kessler & Lee-Ann Kastman Breuch
Initial Post-Graduation Plan: Assistant Professor of Technical Communication, Arizona State University (AZ)
Ryan Wold
"Design, Business Models and Embedded Values: Developing a Mentor Program Management Platform as a Model of Humane Technology"
Advisors: Ann Hill Duin & Lee-Ann Kastman Breuch
Initial Post-Graduation Plan: CEO at Tablmakr, Researcher/Entrepreneur
McKinley Green
"User Resistance in HIV Technology Design: Toward a Critical Participatory Rhetoric for Technical and Professional Communication"
Advisor: Pat Bruch
Initial Post-Graduation Plan: Assistant Professor, George Mason University (VA)
Jeremy Rosselot-Merritt
"Fertile Grounds in Technical and Professional Communication: Identity, Legitimacy, Power, and Workplace Practice"
Advisor: Lee-Ann Kastman Breuch
Initial Post-Graduation Plan: Lecturer, Carnegie Mellon University (PA)
Chakrika Veeramoothoo
"Investigating the Online Presence of Immigration Organizations: Understanding the Role of Social Justice and Technical Communication"
Advisors: Ann Hill Duin & Lee-Ann Kastman Breuch
Initial Post-Graduation Plan: Assistant Professor, University of Houston-Downtown (TX)
Kari Campeau
"The Rhetorical Making of an Illness: Medical Refusal, Trope, and Improvisation in a Somali Women's Health Center"
Honorable Mention, Arts & Humanities Category, UMN Graduate School Best Dissertation Award, 2021
Advisors: Lee-Ann Kastman Breuch & Mary Schuster
Initial Post-Graduation Plan: Assistant Professor, University of Colorado - Denver (CO)
Nicole Ciulla
"Temporal Rhetorics of Local Climate Action"
Advisor: Tom Reynolds
Initial Post-Graduation Plan: Assistant Professor of English, Saint Mary's University (MN)
Trent Kays
"Authority in Digital Space: Exploring the Case of the Green Pea Galaxy"
Advisor: Laura Gurak
Initial Post-Graduation Plan: Assistant Professor, Augusta University (GA)
Ryan Eichberger
"Imaging Environmental Belonging in a Wounded World: Toward a Visual Rhetoric for the Anthropocene"
Best Dissertation Award in Arts and Humanities, UMN Graduate School, 2020
Advisor: Daniel J. Philippon
Initial Post-Graduation Plan: Adjunct Assistant Professor, Saint Olaf College (MN)
Juliette Lapeyrouse-Cherry
“Composing the Gulf Coast: Narratives of Environmental Toxicity, Racial Injustice, and Carbon Energy Across Modalities”
Advisor: Daniel J. Philippon
Initial Post-Graduation Plan: Adjunct Academic Faculty, Saint Catherine University (MN)
Jason Tham
“Multimodality, Makerspaces, and the Making of a Maker Pedagogy for Technical Communication and Rhetoric”
Advisor: Ann Hill Duin
Initial Post-Graduation Plan: Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University (TX)