Study Abroad

The Department of Art strongly encourages students to study abroad. These experiences provide an opportunity to gain a global perspective that can broaden and enhance your understanding of your own creative practice, deepen your perspective, and sharpen your awareness.
If you plan to use some of your learning abroad credit toward your art major or minor, meet with your academic advisor well in advance of your departure. To be applicable, a class should have content reasonably similar to that of the course for which it is to be substituted.
The Learning Abroad Center (LAC) offers semester, academic year, winter break, and May/summer term international study programs.
Early planning and systematic consultation with advisors in the Learning Abroad Center and our department is key to assuring that you:
- find the right study abroad program for you
- meet application or scholarship deadlines
- plan and apply appropriate courses to take abroad to fulfill your major/minor and/or Liberal Education requirements
Learning Abroad Scholarships
There are many scholarships that are available specifically for students planning to study abroad. In addition, you can also use most general scholarships to fund your study abroad experience. In some cases, you do not need to have applied for your study abroad program to be eligible to apply for study abroad scholarships. Be sure to apply for scholarships early. Learn more about Learning Abroad Scholarships.
National Student Exchange
National Student Exchange is a consortium of US and Canadian colleges and universities, including the University of Minnesota. Students who attend a school within the NSE consortium can go on exchange to any other member school. That means you can go on exchange for a semester, summer or year to schools all over the United States (including Hawaii and Puerto Rico), as well as Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Canada!
NSE provides academic opportunities and adventure. Imagine the academic choices you have when you can access courses from 190 schools! Think of the adventure, the diversity you can find among classmates and professors in new regions, and the cultural and geographical differences you can explore. NSE offers a unique chance to enhance and expand your personal and academic horizons.