The Marguerite Guinotte Memorial Travel Grant in French Studies

Headshot of Marguerite Guinotte
Marguerite Guinotte. Image courtesy of the Minnesota Historical Society.

About the Award

The Marguerite Guinotte Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1963 with a gift from the estate of Marguerite Guinotte, a retired University of Minnesota French instructor. The gift was for "scholarships to needy, University of Minnesota, promising undergraduate and/or graduate French majors for study in France or in a French-speaking country." First priority will be given to Juniors or Seniors and/or Graduates majoring in French with the understanding the scholarship is to be used for study in France.

How to Apply

The application deadline is March 31, 2023 at 12pm.

Email the following required materials to [email protected], and have the instructor submit the letter of recommendation by email directly to [email protected]. For further information, contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies for French and Italian at [email protected]

  1. Download and complete the application form
  2. An unofficial transcript.
  3. An application essay describing your previous engagement with French Studies and what receiving this scholarship would make possible for you as you continue your academic career. If applying to a May Term or Summer program, you should explain why this short-term classroom-based program is better suited to your academic development, or why you are unable to apply for a semester-long program (i.e., requirements of another major). 
  4. A letter of recommendation from an instructor of French. The letter should come from that instructor who is best able to assess your academic and intellectual capabilities. If possible, the writer should be an instructor of an upper division course (3xxx) or other culture-related course (15xx, 18xx) in French that you have recently taken. Please request your letter as soon as possible. The instructor should submit the letter directly to the Department office at [email protected]