Announcement: Philosophy Camp is on hiatus until further notice.
Philosophy Camp is the affectionate nickname given by students to the courses
PHIL 4326/5326—Lives Worth Living: Questions of Self, Vocation, and Community (4 credits, 3 weeks) and PHIL 4350/5350—Catching Lives Worth Living: Participation in the Growth of a Living-Learning Community (2 credits, 1 week). Students and instructors meet daily and create a residential living-learning community experience.
Asking questions is central to the practice of philosophy. Participants gain a fresh perspective on questions of self, vocation, and community while enjoying simple living on the prairie of southwestern Minnesota. Students and instructors form a community to investigate their own and other's responses to questions such as: What is an authentic self? Who am I? What is vocation? What is my work in the world? What kind of community do I want to have around me? What do I bring to my relationships and community? What makes communities resilient, able to flourish through change and conflict? Students and instructors also meet local residents to learn how they are living the answers to life's important questions and creating lives worth living.