2021 Research Day

On Friday, April 30th, 2021 the Department of Psychology held its annual Research Day. The purpose of research day is to bring the program together for an all-day conference.

This year the keynote speaker was Alicia Martin, PhD from Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School presented on "The Critical Importance of Diversity in Genetic Studies." Her presentation is available for viewing through YouTube.

The student portion of the program included first-year students who presented on their 1st-year projects and students and postdocs involved in two NIH-funded T32 Training Grants that presented on the research they are working on while being part of the grant. Schedule of the day’s events.

The event was hosted by:

  • Clinical Science and Psychopathology Research (CSPR) Program
  • Personality, Individual Differences, and Behavior Genetics (PIB) Program
  • Genetic and Neurobehavioral Mechanisms in Addiction Training Grant (T32)
  • Institute for Child Development

Thank you to everyone who participated in Research Day and to Kelly DuffySam Klien, Darian Schwietz, and Drs. Gretchen SaundersMonica Luciana, and Scott Vrieze for organizing.

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