Institute for Mental Chronometry Awards Paul Sackett and Nathan Kuncel $497,219 Grant

Paul Sackett
Nathan Kuncel

We are pleased to announce that Paul Sackett and Nathan Kuncel’s project “A Continued Program of Research on Issues Related to the Role of Cognitive Ability in Higher Education and Employment” received a $497,219 grant from the Institute for Mental Chronometry.

Their project briefly identifies 11 projects to be carried out and brought to journal publication. The projects include: 

  1. Examining GRE validity using data on 20+ years of U of Minnesota data, 
  2. Conducting an updated meta-analysis of the predictive validity of the GRE, 
  3. Examining the use of predictive bias analysis to gain insight into ACT coaching effects, 
  4. Using the Department of Labor’s  O*NET system to shed light on the changing nature of work, 
  5. Using omitted variable analysis to obtain new insights into predictive bias by race and SES, 
  6. Evaluating the effects of course taking on PSAT/SAT score growth from 9th through 12th grade, 
  7. Examining the effects of high school sports participation and extracurricular activities on SAT growth, HSGPA, and College GPA, 
  8. Examining grade inflation at the graduate level, 
  9. Examining predictive bias in the use of the GRE to forecast graduate student performance, 
  10. Conducting a historical review of the role of cognitive ability in personnel selection, and 
  11. Carrying out a series of experiments on the role of cognitive ability in simulated employment decision making.


Paul Sackett, PhD, Beverly and Richard Fink Distinguished Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Minnesota.

Nathan Kuncel, PhD,  Marvin D. Dunnette Distinguished Chair in I-O Psychology in the Department of Psychology at the University of Minnesota.

Composed by Madison Stromberg, communications assistant.

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