Graduate Student Achievements & Awards
The Department of Sociology is very proud of the achievements of our graduate students. Below you can find a list of recent national and international awards granted to our students, as well as University of Minnesota graduate student awards. Our graduate students also receive additional fellowships from the summer Graduate Research Partnership Program (GRPP) and the American Mosaic Project (AMP).
National & International Awards
Victoria Piehowski: Law and Society Association (LSA) Dissertation Prize Honorable Mention
Nika Sremac: United States Institute of Peace (USIP) Peace Scholar Fellowship
Anna Bokun: American Educational Research Association-National Science Foundation (AERA-NSF Dissertation Grant
Hyunjae Kwon: National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF-GRF)
Moh Lee: Hmong Studies Social Justice Research Grant, Hmong Studies Research Consortium, Univ. of Wisconsin
Victoria Piehowski: Mellon/American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) Dissertation
Miray Philips: Religion, Spirituality, & Democratic Renewal Grant, Social Science Research Council.
Mi'Chael Wright: American Society of Criminology's Division of People of Color and Crime Media one Public Scholarship Fellowship (AMC DPCC MPS)
Sarah Garcia: American Sociological Association Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant (ASA DDRIG)
Jillian LaBranche: American Sociological Association Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant (ASA DDRIG) and Fulbright Foreign Scholarship to Sierra Leone
Aimzhan lztayeva: American Sociological Association Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant (ASA DDRIG)
Moh Lee: Health Policy Research Scholars (HPRS) Program, Robert Wood Johnson Fellowship
Christopher Levesque: American Sociological Association Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant (ASA DDRIG)
Devika Narayan: Kauffman Foundation Award for Best Student Paper in Economic Sociology and Entrepreneurship
Miray Philips: Dissertation Fellowship, Louisville Institute. 30 Under 30, Arab American Foundation
Kobie Price: Health Policy Research Scholars (HPRS) Program, Robert Wood Johnson Fellowship
Chris Robertson: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) Health Policy Research Scholar
Mi'Chael Wright: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) Health Policy Research Scholar
Anna Bokun: Eliason Award, Arizona Methods Workshop, University of Arizona
Morgan Brokob Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship
Christine Delp: National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF GRF)
Devika Narayan: Caroline Rose Best Graduate Student Paper Award, Sociologists of Minnesota
Amber Joy Powell: American Sociological Association American Bar Foundation Fellowship
Caty Taborda: American Sociological Association Minority Fellowship
Amy August: MSS Student Paper Competition, 3rd place.
Anna Bokun: Knights of Dabrowski Scholarship
Kriti Budhiraja: Junior Research Fellowship, American Institute for Indian Studies (AIIS)
Brooke Chambers: Fulbright Research Award
Jacqui Frost: Winner, Sociology of Culture Section's Richard A. Peterson for Best Student Paper.
Amber Hamilton: Institute of Advanced Study Social Science Research Council (SSRC) Interdisciplinary Dissertation Development Program Participant
Yagmur Karakaya: Honorable Mention, Sociology of Culture Section's Richard A. Peterson for Best Student Paper.
Aras Koksal: Institute of Advanced Study Social Science Research Council (SSRC) Interdisciplinary Dissertation Development Program Participant
Snigdha Kumar: Institute of Advanced Study Social Science Research Council (SSRC) Interdisciplinary Dissertation Development Program Participant
Devika Narayan: Best Graduate Student Paper, Section: Communication, Information Technologies, and Media Sociology - American Sociological Association (ASA)
Nir Rotem: Edmond de Rothschild Foundation Research Grant
Stephen Wulff: University of Chicago Ethnography Incubator Fellowship
U of M Awards to Graduate Students
Mao Lee: J. W. G. Dunn, Jr. Scholarship for Foreign Research on International Peace
My Nguyen: J. W. G. Dunn, Jr. Scholarship for Foreign Research on International Peace
Victoria Piehowski: Honorable Mention Best Dissertation Award Competition
Christopher Robertson: University of Minnesota Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
Nika Sremac: University of Minnesota Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
Jillian LaBranche: University of Minnesota Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
Miray Philips: CLA Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
Nika Sremac: CLA Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
Caity Curry: Graduate School Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship (DDF)
Aimzhan Iztayeva: Graduate School Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship (DDF)
Snigdha Kumar: Interdisciplinary Doctoral Fellowship (IDF); Joseph E. Schwartzberg Workable World Trust Fellowship - Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of Global Change (ICGC)
Nikoleta Sremac: Badzin Fellowship in Holocaust and Genocide Studies UMN. Center for Austrian Studies Summer Research Grant UMN
Amber Hamilton: Graduate School Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship (DDF)
Brieanna Watters: Human in the Data MnDRIVE Fellowship Program
Caitlin Curry: Graduate Scholarly Excellence in Equity and Diversity (SEED) Award
Sarah Garcia: Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship (DDF)
Erik Kojola: Honorable Mention, Best Dissertation, University wide competition
Aras Koksal: Hella Mears Graduate Fellowship – Center for German & European Studies
Jillian LaBranche: Badzin Graduate Fellowship in Holocaust and Genocide Studies
Chris Levesque: Interdisciplinary Doctoral Fellowship (IDF)
Devika Narayan: Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship (DDF)
Victoria Piehowski: CLA Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship (CLADDF)
Caty Taborda-Whitt: Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship (DDF)
Amber Hamilton: Interdisciplinary Doctoral Fellowship (IDF)
Devika Narayan: Interdisciplinary Doctoral Fellowship (IDF)
Miray Philips: Interdisciplinary Doctoral Fellowship (IDF)
Madison Van Oort: UMN Best Dissertation Award in Social Sciences and Education
Stephen Wulff: Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship (DDF
Summer Graduate Research Partnership Program (GRPP) Fellowships & American Mosaic Project (AMP)
Desiree Alvarez McNelis (with Mike Esposito) GRPP Neighborhoods and Health at All Ages Data Analysis.
Anna DalCortivo (with Chris Uggen) GRPP The Peoples’ Way” Rejecting Reform and Building Radical Space in Minneapolis.
Emma Goldstein (with Teresa Swartz) GRPP Beyond Companionship: Examining the Role of Service Dogs in Enhancing Veteran Well-being, Family Dynamics, and Social Integration.
Mallory Harrington (with Penny Edgell) GRPP Religion and Spirituality Paper Development (American Voice Project Data)
Hyeyun Jeong (with Tom VanHeuvelen) GRPP Stratified adulting and later-life success.
Lena Kunjan (with Penny Edgell) GRPP Aligned or Incoherent? Religious And Political Behavior in People’s Everyday Lives.
Christopher Robertson (with Michelle Phelps) Covenanted-Policing: How does historical spatial racism shape contemporary policing practices?
Mallory Harrington (with Penny Edgell) GRPP Religion and Spirituality Interview Analysis (American Voices Project Data)
Lena Kunjan (with Penny Edgell) GRPP The Role of Religion and Spirituality in Everyday Life: A qualitative analysis.
Nika Sremac (with Joachim Savelsberg) GRPP History in Whose Hands? Gendering the Collective Memory of Perpetrators in Serbia.
Xiaowen Han (with Tom Vanheuvelen) GRPP Cumulative Union Exposure, Employment (In)stability, and Post-Retirement Health
Chris Robertson (with Michael Walker) GRPP Policing, Emotions, & Mental Health Crisis Care
Brie Watters (with Carolyn Liebler) GRPP Mass Incarceration in Indian Country: The Role of PL280
Daniel Cueto-Villalobos (with Awa Abdi) GRPP Discourses of Dissent: Challenges and possibilities of LA’s diverse anti-Olympics campaign
Monica Jarvi (with Rachel Schurman) GRPP Low-Income Rural Food Access in Northwestern Minnesota
Matthew Aguilar-Champeau (with Enid Logan) GRPP Resisting money: how the fighting game community has succeeded, and failed, in curbing the influence of eSports
Morgan Brokob (with Kathy Hull) GRPP Queer Respectability in an Age of Polarization
Kriti Budhiraja (with Michael Goldman) GRPP Public university and the neoliberal state in India: A Study of Delhi University
Christine Delp (with Penny Edgell) GRPP Reluctance in Moral Position-taking in talking about social controversies
Aimzhan Iztayeva (with Ann Meier) GRPP Single fathers and employment discrimination: Do employers discriminate against gender or caregiving (or both)?
Jillian LaBranche (with Joachim Savelsberg) GRPP From Transitional Justice to Education about a Violent Past: Sierra Leone and Rwanda
Mahala Miller (with Teresa Swartz) GRPP Exploring Health-Related Motivations for Extracurricular Involvement
Mi'chael Wright (with Penny Edgell) GRPP You have broken us...but God is Good”: Religiosity and Spirituality in the Black Lives Matter Era
Edgar Campos (with Doug Hartmann) Viva Mexico! The Cultural Politics behind the 1968 Mexico City Olympic Games
Caity Curry (with Josh Page) GRPP The Grilled Cheese Connection: All Square Restaurant and Institute's Efforts to Counter the Curse of the Criminal Record
Gunercindo Espinoza (with Joyce Bell) GRPP The United States Supreme Court as an Intellectual White Space: Amicus Briefs' Influence on Bakke (1978)
Sarah Garcia (with Rob Warren) GRPP Trends in Disability among Working-Age Americans: The Role of Labor Force Status
Yagmur Karakaya (with Penny Edgell) GRPP Comparative Study of Political Rallies in the United States and Turkey: Nostalgia as a Force of State Mobilization
Jean Marie Maier (with Teresa Swartz) GRPP Activity Resumes: Extracurricular Activities in College Admissions
Devika Narayan (with Phyllis Moen) GRPP Self-Disruption as Strategy: An Analysis of New Business Practices in the Age of Digital Platforms
Mark Pharris (with Joe Gerteis) AMP Expressions of Solidarity in a Democratic Society
Neeraj Rajasekar (with Doug Hartmann) GRPP "Diversity" Discourse in Political New Media: A Quantitative Content Analysis
Michael Soto (with Joachim Savelsberg) GRPP The Mobile Phone Network: Changing Identities, Representations and Life Courses among Participants in a Peace Building Initiative