Recent Articles


Busse-Cardenas, Erika, and Elizabeth Heger Boyle. 2022. “Global Consensus, Dissensus, and National Policy Development: Sterilization and Abortion in Peru.” Advances in Gender Research 33:181-201.

Levesque, Christopher, Jack DeWaard, Linus Chan, Michele Garnett McKenzie, Kazumi Tsuchiya, Olivia Toles, Amy Lange, Kim Horner, Eric Ryu, and Elizabeth Heger Boyle. 2022. “Crimmigrating Narratives: Examining Third-Party Observations of US Detained Immigration Court.” Law & Social Inquiry, 1-30.

Johnson, Ethan, Penny Edgell, Kathleen Hull. 2022. “Rapport: Affective Cultural Structures in Sociological Inquiry.American Journal of Cultural Sociology.

Delp, Christine and Penny Edgell. 2022. “Can Talk Reveal Nondeclarative Culture? Deliberation Strategies in Talking about Social Controversies.” Sociological Forum 37(4):1018-39.

Frost, Jacqui and Penny Edgell. 2022. “‘I Believe in Taking Care of People’: Pushing Back Against Rationalized Institutions with a Logic of Care.” Poetics.

Gerteis, Joseph and Nir Rotem. 2022. “Connecting the ’Others’: White Anti-Semitic and Anti-Muslim Views in America.The Sociological Quarterly.

Hartmann, Doug, Alex Manning, Kyle Green. 2022. “The Performance and Reception of Race-Based Athletic Activism: Toward a Critical, Dramaturgical Theory of Sport.” American Journal of Cultural Sociology, 10: 543-569.

Hartmann, Doug. 2022. “Sport, Social Movements, and Athlete Activism.” Oxford Handbook of Sport & Society Pp. 571-594.

Hartmann, Doug. 2022. “What Media Coverage of the 1968 Olympic Protests Reveals about the Deep Structure of Attitudes about Athletic Activism in the United States.” Sport in History.

Torkelson, Jason, Jeffrey Dowd, Douglas Hartmann. 2022. "The Sociology of White America: A Teaching and Learning Guide." (with Jason Torkelson and Jeffrey Dowd). Sociology Compass, 16(5).

Rajasekar, Neeraj, Mathhew Aguilar-Champeau, Doug Hartmann. 2022. “Diversity Discourse as Racialized and Double-Edged: Findings from a National Survey.Sociology of Race and Ethnicity.

Hamilton, Amber M., Douglas Hartmann, Ryan Larson. 2022. “Assessing and Extending Colorblind Racism Theory Using National Survey Data.” Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, 8(2): 267-283.

Johnson, Ethan, Penny Edgell, Kathleen Hull. 2022. “Rapport: Affective Cultural Structures in Sociological Inquiry.American Journal of Cultural Sociology.

Kamp Dush, Claire M., Wendy D. Manning, Miranda N. Berrigan, and Rachel R. Hardeman. 2022. “Stress and Mental Health: A Focus on COVID-19 and Racial Trauma Stress.” RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of Social Sciences 8(8): 104-134.

Manning, Wendy D., and Claire M. Kamp Dush. 2022. “COVID-19 Stress and Sexual Identities.” Socius 8: 1-11.


Song, Miri and Carolyn A. Liebler. 2022. “What Motivates Mixed Heritage People to Assert their Ancestries?Genealogy 6(3): 61.

Page, Joshua and Christine Scott-Hayward. 2022. “Bail and Pretrial Justice in the United States: A Field of Possibility.” American Review of Criminology. 5: 91-113.

Phelps, Michelle S., Ingie Osman, Chris E. Robertson, and Rebecca Shlafer. 2022. “Beyond ‘Pains’ and ‘Gains’: Untangling the Health Consequences of Probation.” Health & Justice 10, Article number 29.

Piehowski, Victoria and Michelle S. Phelps. 2022. “Strong-arm Sobriety: Addressing Precarity through Probation.” Law & Social Inquiry FirstView.

Moen, Phyllis, Joseph H. Pedtke and Sarah Flood. 2022. “Derailed by the COVID-19 Economy?

An Intersectional Analysis of Older Adults’ Work by Age, Gender, Race/Ethnicity, and Social Class.” American Behavioral Scientist.

Fan, Wen, and Phyllis Moen. 2022. “Working More, Less or the Same During COVID-19? A Mixed Method, Intersectional Analysis of Remote Workers.” Work & Occupations.

Joachim J. Savelsberg and Miray Philips. “Epistemic Power of Universal Jurisdiction: Spreading Knowledge about Mass Atrocity Crimes.” Minnesota Journal of International Law, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 57-95.

W. Munro and R. Schurman. 2022. “Building an Ideational and Institutional Architecture for Africa’s Agricultural Transformation.African Studies Review.

Robert Stewart, Brieanna Watters, Veronica Horowitz, Ryan Larson, Brian Sargent, and Christopher Uggen. 2022. “Native Americans and Monetary Sanctions.” RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 8 (2):137-56.

Gabriela Kirk, Kristina Thompson, Beth M. Huebner, Christopher Uggen, and Sarah Shannon. 2022. “Justice By Geography: The Role of Monetary Sanctions Across Communities.” RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences 8(1):200-20.

Larson, Ryan, Sarah Shannon, Aaron Sojourner, and Christopher Uggen. 2022. “Felon History and Change in U.S. Employment Rates.” Social Science Research.

Horowitz, Veronica, Kimberly Spencer-Suarez, Ryan Larson, Robert Stewart, Frank Edwards, Emmi Obara, and Christopher Uggen. 2022. “Dual Debtors: Child Support and Criminal Financial Legal Obligations.Social Service Review 96(2):226-67.

Matthew K. Grace and Jane S. VanHeuvelen. 2022. “Psychosocial Coping Resources and the Toll of COVID-19 Bereavement.Society & Mental Health.

Dill, Janette, Jennifer Morgan, and Jane Van Heuvelen & Meredith Gingold. 2022. “Professional certification and earnings of health care workers in low social closure occupations.” Social Science & Medicine. 303, 115000

Haena Lee, Mark W. Lee, John Robert Warren, and Joseph Ferrie. 2022. “Childhood Lead Exposure is Associated with Lower Cognitive Functioning at Older Ages.” Science Advances, eabn5164


John Robert Warren, Andrew Halpern-Manners, and Jonas Helgertz. 2022. “Does Participating in a Long-Term Cohort Study Impact Research Subjects’ Longevity? Experimental Evidence from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study.SSM – Population Health. Volume 19. 101233.

Kaitlyn M Berry, Sarah Garcia, John Robert Warren, and Andrew C. Stoke. 2022. “Association of Weight at Different Ages and All-Cause Mortality among Older Adults in the US.” Journal of Aging and Health 34: 705‐719.

John Robert Warren, Mark Lee, and Theresa Osypuk. 2022. “The Validity and Reliability of Retrospective Measures of Childhood Socioeconomic Status in the Health and Retirement Study: Evidence from the 1940 U.S. Census.Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences 77: 1661‐1673.

Alex Beaudin, Elizabeth Kristian, John Robert Warren, and Jonas Helgertz. 2022. “‘You’re Not from Around Here:’ Regional Naming and Life Outcomes.Social Science History 46: 671‐691.

Eric Grodsky, Jennifer Manly, Chandra Muller, and John Robert Warren. 2022. “Cohort Profile: High School and Beyond.” International Journal of Epidemiology.

Sepideh Modrek, Evan Roberts, John Robert Warren, and David Rehkopf. 2022. “Long-term effects of Local Area New Deal Work Relief in Childhood on Educational, Economic and Health Outcomes over the Life Course: Evidence from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study.” Demography 59: 1489–1516.

Mark Lee, Haena Lee, John Robert Warren, and Pamela Herd. 2022. “Effect of Childhood Proximity to Lead Mining on Late Life Cognition.” SSM – Population Health. Volume 17. 101037.

Wrigley-Field, Elizabeth, Kaitlyn M. Berry, Andrew C. Stokes, and Jonathon P. Leider. 2022. “COVID- 19 Vaccination and Racial/Ethnic Inequities in Mortality at Midlife in Minnesota.American Journal of Preventive Medicine 64(2): 259-264.

Eiermann, Martin, Elizabeth Wrigley-Field, James J. Feigenbaum, Jonas Helgertz, Elaine Hernandez, and Courtney E. Boen. 2022. “Racial Disparities in Mortality during the 1918 Influenza Pandemic in United States Cities.” Demography 59(5): 1953-1979.

Feigenbaum, James J., Lauren Hoehn-Velasco, Christopher Muller, and Elizabeth Wrigley-Field. 2022. “1918 Every Year: Racial Inequality in Infectious Mortality, 1906-1942.” American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings 112: 199-204.

Wrigley-Field, Elizabeth, Kaitlyn M. Berry, and Govind Persad. 2022. “Race-Specific, State-Specific COVID-19 Vaccination Rates Adjusted for Age.Socius 8.

Wrigley-Field, Elizabeth and Dennis Feehan. 2022. “In a Stationary Population, the Average Lifespan of the Living is a Length-Biased Life Expectancy.” Demography 59 (1): 207–220.


Zhang, Lei, Yanjie Bian. 2021. “Parental ‘Love’ on Time: Strength and Timing in Homeownership Transfer.” Journal of Housing and Built Environment 36 (1): 113-129.

Bian, Yanjie. 2021. “A Relational Image of Chinese Bureaucracy.” Management and Organization Review 17 (4): 683-689.

Lee, Mark, and Elizabeth Heger Boyle. 2021. “Disciplinary Practices among Orphaned Children in Sub- Saharan Africa.” PLOS One. 16(2): e0246578


Abel, Guy J., Jack DeWaard, Jasmine Trang Ha, and Zack W. Almquist. 2021. “The Form and Evolution of International Migration Networks, 1990-2015.” Population, Space and Place 27:e2432.

Karakaya, Yagmur and Penny Edgell. 2021. “From Politics as Vocation to Politics as Business: Populist Social Performance and Narrative Fusion in Trump Rallies.Social Forces

Neeraj Rajasekar, Evan Stewart, and Joseph Gerteis. 2021. “Assessing Local ‘Diversity’: A Nationally Representative Analysis.Social Contexts.

Goldman, Michael and Devika Narayan. 2021.“Through the Optics of Finance: Speculative Urbanism and the Transformation of Markets.” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research.

Derickson, Kate, Michael Goldman, Kevin Ehrman-Solberg, Robin Wonsley Worlobah, Sydney Shelstad. Forthcomng. “The Transformation of the Working-class Home, from Family Security to Financially Securitized.” Market Failure.

Swartz, Teresa Toguchi, Douglas Hartmann, and Pao Lee Vue. 2021. “Race, Ethnicity, and the Incorporation Experiences of Hmong American Youth Adults: Insights from a Mixed-Method, Longitudinal Study.” Ethnic and Racial Studies. DOI 10.1080/01419870.2021.1939091.

Hawkins, Daniel, Andrew Lindner, Douglas Hartmann, and Brianna Cochran. 2021. “Does Protest ‘Distract’ Athletes from Performing? Evidence from the National Anthem Demonstrations in the National Football League.” Journal of Sport and Social Issues.

Torkelson, Jason and Douglas Hartmann. 2021. “The Heart of Whiteness: On the Study of Whiteness and White Americans.” Sociology Compass.

Schoppe-Sullivan, Sarah J., Kevin Shafer, Eric Olofson, and Claire M. Kamp Dush. 2021. “Fathers’ parenting and coparenting behavior in dual-earner families: Contributions of traditional masculinity, father nurturing role beliefs, and maternal gate closing.” Psychology of Men and Masculinities special issue (Guest Editors: Brenda L. Volling and Rob Palkovitz) on Fathering: New Perspectives, Paradigms, and Possibilities 22: 538–550.

Christian, Lisa, Steve W. Cole, Thomas McDade, John E. Pachankis, Ethan Morgan, Anna M. Strahm, and Claire M. Kamp Dush. 2021. “A Biopsychosocial Framework for Understanding Sexual and Gender Minority Health: A Call for Action.” Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 129: 107-116.

Schoppe-Sullivan, Sarah J., Kevin Shafer, Eric Olofson, and Claire M. Kamp Dush. 2021. “Fathers’ parenting and coparenting behavior in dual-earner families: Contributions of traditional masculinity, father nurturing role beliefs, and maternal gate closing.” Psychology of Men and Masculinities special issue on Fathering: New Perspectives, Paradigms, and Possibilities 22: 538–550.

Moen, Phyllis, Sarah Flood, and Janet Wang. Forthcoming. “The Uneven Later Work Course: Intersectional Gender, Age, Race, and Class Disparities.” The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: gbab039.

Moen, Phyllis and Kate Schaefers. Forthcoming. “Bridging Generational Silos: Challenging Times Call for Innovation in Higher Education.” Stanford Social Innovation Review.

Page, Joshua and Joe Soss. 2021. “The Predatory Dimensions of Criminal Justice.” Science. Special issue on Criminal Justice. 374: 291-294.

Phelps, Michelle S., Anneliese Ward,GS and Dwjuan Frazier. 2021. “From Police Reform to Police Abolition? How Minneapolis Activists Fought to Make Black Lives Matter.” Mobilization: An International Quarterly (Special Issue on the Black Lives Movement) 26(4): 421–441.

Phelps, Michelle S., Christopher E. Robertson,GS and Amber Joy Powell.GS 2021. “‘We're still dying quicker than we can effect change’: #BlackLivesMatter and the Limits of 21st Century Policing Reform.” American Journal of Sociology 127(3): 1-37.

Phelps, Michelle S. and Amber M. Hamilton. 2021. “Visualizing Injustice or Reifying Racism? Images in the Digital Media Coverage of the Killing of Michael Brown.” Sociology of Race and Ethnicity 8(1): 160-175.

Phelps, Michelle S. and Ebony L. Ruhland. 2021. “Governing Marginality: Coercion and Care in Probation.” Social Problems.

Powell, Amber Joy and Michelle S. Phelps. 2021. “Gendered Racial Vulnerability: How Women Confront Crime and Criminalization.Law & Society Review 55(4): 429-451.

Swartz, Teresa Toguchi, Douglas Hartmann, and Pao Lee Vue. 2021. “Race, Ethnicity, and the Incorporation Experiences of Hmong American Youth Adults: Insights from a Mixed-Method, Longitudinal Study.” Ethnic and Racial Studies. DOI 10.1080/01419870.2021.1939091.

Hyatt, Jordan M., Synøve N. Andersen, Steven L. Chanenson, Veronica Horowitz, and Christopher Uggen. Forthcoming. “‘We Can Actually Do This’: Adapting Scandinavian Correctional Culture in Pennsylvania.American Criminal Law Review.

Santaularia, Jeanie, Ryan Larson, and Christopher Uggen. 2021. “Criminal Punishment and Violent Injury in Minnesota.” Injury Epidemiology, 8(1-10).

Christopher Uggen, Ráchael A. Powers, Heather McLaughlin, and Amy Blackstone. 2021. “Toward a Criminology of Sexual Harassment.” Annual Review of Criminology, 4:33-51.

Nyseth Brehm, Hollie, Christopher Uggen, Evelyn Gertz, and Laura Frizzell. 2021. “Consequences of Judging Transitional Justice Courts.” British Journal of Criminology. DOI 10.1093/bjc/azab008.

Horowitz, Veronica L., Emily R. Greberman, Patrick E. Nolan, Jordan M. Hyatt, Christopher Uggen, Synøve N. Andersen, and Steven Chanenson. 2021. “A Comparative Perspective on Officer Wellness: American Reflections from Norwegian Prisons.” in Criminal Justice Studies: A Critical Journal of Crime, Law and Society 34:477-97.

Lesley Schneider, Mike Vuolo, Sarah Lageson, and Christopher Uggen 2021. “Before and After Ban the Box: Who Complies with Anti-Discrimination Law?” Law & Social Inquiry.

VanHeuvelen, Tom and Jane S. VanHeuvelen. 2021. “Between-Country Inequalities in Health Lifestyles.International Journal of Comparative Sociology 62.3: 203-223.

VanHeuvelen, Tom and Jane S. VanHeuvelen. 2021. “Between-Country Inequalities in Health Lifestyles.International Journal of Comparative Sociology 62.3: 203-223.

VanHeuvelen, Tom and David Brady. 2021. “Labor Unions and American Poverty.ILR Review. 75:4. 891-917.

VanHeuvelen, Tom and Natasha Quadlin. 2021. “Gender Inequality in STEM Employment and Earnings at Career Entry: Evidence from Millennial Birth Cohorts.” Socius.

Quadlin, Natasha, Emma D. Cohen, and Tom VanHeuvelen. 2021. “Same Major, Same Economic Returns? College Selectivity and Earnings Inequality in Young Adulthood.Research in Stratification and Social Mobility. 75. 1-12.

Eric Grodsky, Catherine Doren, Koit Hung, Chandra Muller, and John Robert Warren. 2021. "Continuing Education and Stratification at Midlife." Sociology of Education 94: 341-360.

Mark Lee, Andrew Halpern-Manners, and John Robert Warren. Forthcoming. “The Prevalence of Cognitive Impairment is Not Increasing in the United States: A Critique of Hale et al.” Epidemiology.

Alex Beaudin, Elizabeth Kristian, John Robert Warren, and Jonas Helgertz. Forthcoming. "'You’re Not from Around Here:' Regional Naming and Life Outcomes." Social Science History.

Black, Sandra E., Chandra Muller, Alexandra Spitz-Oener, Ziwei He, Koit Hung and John Robert Warren. Forthcoming. “The Importance of STEM: High School Knowledge, Skills and Occupations in an Era of Growing Inequality: High School Knowledge, Skills and Occupations in an Era of Growing Inequality.” Research Policy.

Andrew Halpern-Manners, James M. Raymo, John Robert Warren, and Kaitlin Johnson. Forthcoming. “Explaining the School Performance-Mortality Association: The Mediating Role of Education and Work and Family Trajectories.” Advances in Life Course Research.

Hoehn-Velasco, Lauren and Elizabeth Wrigley-Field. 2021. “City Health Departments, Public Health Expenditures, and Urban Mortality over 1910-1940.” Economic Inquiry 60(2).

Wrigley-Field, Elizabeth, Sarah Garcia, Jonathon P. Leider, and David Van Riper. 2021. “COVID-19 Mortality at the Neighborhood Level: Racial and Ethnic Inequalities Deepened in Minnesota in 2020.” Health Affairs 40(10): 1-10.

Wrigley-Field, Elizabeth, Mathew V. Kiang, Alicia R. Riley, Magali Barbieri, Yea-Hung Chen, Kate A. Duchowney, Ellicott C. Matthay, David Van Riper, Kirrthana Jegathesan, Kirsten Bibbins- Domingo, and Jonathon P. Leider. 2021. “Geographically-targeted COVID-19 vaccination is more equitable and averts more deaths than age- based thresholds alone.” Science Advances 7.

Horner, Kimberly, Elizabeth Wrigley-Field, and Jonathon P. Leider. 2021. “A First Look: Disparities in COVID-19 Mortality Among US-born and Foreignborn Minnesota Residents.Population Research and Policy Review.

Feehan, Dennis and Elizabeth Wrigley-Field. “How Populations Aggregate.” 2021. Demographic Research, 44: 363-378.


Bian, Yanjie. Man Shuai. 2020. “Elective Affinity between Guanxi Favouritism and Market Rationality: Guanxi Circles as Governance Structure in China’s Private Firms.” Asia Pacific Business Review 26 (2): 149-168.

Xiao, Yang, Yanjie Bian, & Lei Zhang. 2020. “Mental Health of Chinese Online Networkers under Covid-19 in China: A Sociological Analysis of Survey Data.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(23): e8843. DOI 10.3390/ijerph17238843.

Bian, Yanjie, Xiaolei Miao, Xiaolin Lu, Xulei Ma, and Xiaoxian Guo. 2020. “The Emergence of a COVID-19 Related Social Capital: The Case of China.International Journal of Sociology 50 (5): 419- 433.

Bian, Yanjie. 2020. “Epidemic-Specific Social Capital and its Impact on Physical Activity and Health Status.” Journal of Sport and Health Science 9: 426-429.

Horak, Sven, Fida Afiouni, Yanjie Bian, Alena Ledeneva, Maral Muratbekova-Touron, and Carl Fey. 2020. “Informal Networks: Dark Sides, Bright Sides, and Unexplored Dimensions.” Management and Organization Review, 16(3): 511-542.

Boyle, Elizabeth Heger, Miriam L. King, Sarah Garcia, Corey Culver, and Jordan Boudreaux. 2020. “Contextual Data in IPUMS DHS: Physical and Social Environment Variables linked to the Demographic and Health Surveys.” Population and Environment 41:529–549.

Curtis, Katherine J., Jack DeWaard, Elizabeth Fussell, and Rachel A. Rosenfeld. 2020. “Differential recovery migration across the rural-urban gradient: Minimal and short-term population gains for rural disaster-affected Gulf Coast counties.Rural Sociology 85(4):856-898

DeWaard Jack, Elizabeth Fussell, Katherine J. Curtis, and Jasmine Trang Ha. 2020. “Changing Spatial Interconnectivity during the ‘Great American Migration Slowdown’: A Decomposition of Intercountry Migration Rates, 1990-2010.” Population, Space and Place, 26:e2274.

Curtis, Katherine J., Jack DeWaard, Elizabeth Fussell, and R.A. Rosenfeld. 2020. “Differential Recovery Migration Across the Rural-Urban Gradient: Minimal and Short-term Population Gains for Rural Disaster-Affected Gulf Coast Counties.” Rural Sociology, 85(4): 856-898.

DeWaard, Jack, Janna J. Johnson, and Stephan D. Whitaker SD. 2020. “Out-migration From and Return Migration to Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria: Evidence from the Consumer Credit Panel.” Population and Environment, 42:28-42.

Mikal, Jude, Kathryn Grace, Jack DeWaard, Molly E. Brown, and Gabriel Sangli. 2020. “Domestic Migration and Mobile Phones: A qualitative Case Study focused on Recent Migrants to Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.” PLOS ONE, 15(8):e0236248.

O’Connell, Heather A., Katherine J. Curtis, and Jack DeWaard J. 2020. “Population Change and the Legacy of Slavery.” Social Science Research, 87:102413.

Hull, Kathleen E. and Penny Edgell. 2020. “How Americans Talk About Separation of Church and State: Moral Frameworks of Justice and Care.” The Sociological QuarterlyDOI 10.1080/00380253.2020.1733449.

Gerteis, Joseph, Douglas Hartmann and Penny Edgell. 2020. “Racial, Religious, and Civic Dimensions of Anti-Muslim Sentiment in America.” Social Problems, 67(4):719-740.

Gerteis, Joseph, Douglas Hartmann and Penny Edgell. 2020. “Racial, Religious, and Civic Dimensions of Anti-Muslim Sentiment in America.” Social Problems, 67(4):719-740.

Goldman, Michael. “Dispossession by Financialization: The Making of a Land Market and the End(s) of Rurality.” 2020. Special issue, Journal of Peasant Studies, 47(6). DOI 10.1080/03066150.2020.1802720.

Stewart, Evan and Douglas Hartmann. 2020 “The New Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere.” Sociological Theory, 38(2): 170-191.

Hull, Kathleen E. and Penny Edgell. 2020. “How Americans Talk About Separation of Church and State: Moral Frameworks of Justice and Care.” The Sociological QuarterlyDOI 10.1080/00380253.2020.1733449.

Arocho, Rachel and Claire M. Kamp Dush. 2020. “Best-Laid Plans’: Barriers to Meeting Marital Timing Desires Over the Life Course.Marriage & Family Review 56(7), 633-656.

Berrigan, Miranda N., Sarah J. Schoppe-Sullivan, and Claire M. Kamp Dush. 2020. “Moving Beyond Access: Predictors of Maternity and Paternity Leave Duration in the United States.Sex Roles 84(5): 271- 284.

Liebler, Carolyn and Feng Hou. 2020. “Churning Races in Canada: Visible Minority Response Change between 2006 and 2011.” Social Science Research 86. DOI 10.1016/j.ssresearch.2019.102388.

Logan, Enid. 2020. “Review of Relational Formations of Race: Theory, Method and Practice.” Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews, 49(5): 460-461.

Logan, Enid. 2020. “White Racial Projects in the 2020 Presidential Campaign.” ASA Footnotes, 46(5): 8- 9.

Flood, Sarah, Ann Meier, and Kelly Musick, 2020. “Reassessing Parents’ Leisure Quality with Direct Measures of Well-Being: Do Children Detract from Parents’ Down Time?Journal of Marriage and Family, 82(4): 1326-1339.

Moen, Phyllis, Joseph H. Pedtke, and Sarah Flood. 2020. “Disparate Disruptions: Intersectional COVID- 19 Employment Effects by Age, Gender, Education and Race/Ethnicity.” Work, Aging and Retirement. 6(4): 207-228.

Settersten, R. A., Jr., Phyllis Moen et al. 2020. Understanding the Effects of Covid-19 through a Life Course Lens. Advances in Life Course Research, 45. DOI 10.1016/j.alcr.2020.100360.

Moen, Phyllis. 2020. “Working Longer Versus Flexible Pathways in Uncertain Times.” Public Policy & Aging Report 30(3): 124-129.

Carr, Dawn, Phyllis Moen, Maureen Perry-Jenkins, and Mick Smyer. 2020. “Post-Retirement Life Satisfaction and Financial Vulnerability: The Moderating Role of Control.” Journal of Gerontology 75(4): 849-860.

Page, Joshua and Philip Goodman. 2020. “Creative Disruption: Edward Bunker, Carceral Habitus, and the Criminological Value of Fiction.” Theoretical Criminology 24(2): 222–2

Page, Joshua and Joe Soss. 2020. “Who’s Looting Whom? Criminal Justice as Revenue Racket.” ASA Footnote,s 48(4): 11-13.

Winkelman, Tyler N.A., Michelle S. Phelps, Kelly Mitchell, Latasha Jennings, and Rebecca J. Shlafer. 2020. “Physical Health and Disability Among U.S. Adults Recently on Community Supervision.” Journal of Correctional Health Care 26(2): 129-137.

Phelps, Michelle S. 2020. “Mass Probation from Micro to Macro: Tracing the Expansion and Consequences of Community Supervision.” Annual Review of Criminology, 3: 261-279.

Andrew Halpern-Manners, Jonas Helgertz, John Robert Warren, and Evan Roberts. 2020. “The Effects of Education on Mortality: Evidence from Linked U.S. Census and Administrative Mortality Data,” Demography 57(4): 1513-1541.

Kris Inwood and Evan Roberts. 2020. “‘Indians are the Majority of the Prisoners’? Historical Variations in Incarceration Rates for Indigenous Women and Men in British Columbia.” Howard Journal of Crime and Justice, 59(3): 350-369.

Savelsberg, Joachim. 2020. “Writing Biography in the Face of Cultural Trauma: Nazi Descent and the Management of Spoiled Identities.” American Journal of Cultural Sociology. DOI 10.1057/s41290-020- 00125-8.

Fukushima, Annie Isabel and Joachim Savelsberg. 2020. “The Sociology of Human Rights and COVID-19.ASA Footnotes 48(3).

Rock, Joeva and Rachel Schurman. 2020. “The Complex Choreography of Agricultural Biotechnology in Africa,” African Affairs 119(477): 499–525.

Nyseth Brehm, Hollie, Louisa Roberts, Christopher Uggen, and Jean-Damascéne Gasanabo. 2020. “‘We Came to Realize We Are Judges’: The Moral Careers of Elected Lay Jurists in Rwanda’s Gacaca Courts.” International Journal of Transitional Justice, 14(3): 443-463.

Shannon, Sarah, Beth M. Huebner, Alexes Harris, Karin Martin, Mary Pattillo, Becky Pettit, Bryan Sykes, and Christopher Uggen. 2020. “The Broad Scope and Variation of Monetary Sanctions: Evidence from Eight States.” UCLA Criminal Justice Law Review 4:269-81.

VanHeuvelen, Jane S. and Grace, Matthew K. 2020. “Occupational Heterogeneity in Healthcare Workers’ Misgivings about Organizational Change.Work & Occupations 47(3): 280-313.

VanHeuvelen, Tom. 2020. “The Right to Work, Power Resources, and Economic Inequality.” American Journal of Sociology, 125(5): 1255-1302.

VanHeuvelen, Tom. 2020. Review of “How to be an Anti-Capitalist in the 21st Century,” by Erik Olin Wright. Social Forces, 99(1): e25-e27.

Chandra Muller, Alicia Duncombe, Jamie M. Carroll, Anna S. Mueller, John Robert Warren, and Eric Grodsky. 2020. “Association of Job Expectations Among High Schoolers and Suicide During Adulthood.” JAMA. DOI 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.27958.

Andrew Halpern-Manners, Jonas Helgertz, John Robert Warren, and Evan Roberts. 2020. “The Effects of Education on Mortality: Evidence from Linked U.S. Census and Administrative Mortality Data.” Demography 57: 1513-1541.

John Robert Warren, Chandra Muller, Robert A. Hummer, Eric Grodsky, and Melissa Humphries. 2020. "Which Aspects of Education Matter for Early Adult Mortality? Evidence from the High School & Beyond Cohort." Socius 6: 1-17.

Wrigley-Field, Elizabeth, Sarah Garcia, Jonathan P. Leider, Chris Robertson, and Rebecca Wurtz. “Racial Disparities in COVID-19 and Excess Mortality in Minnesota.” 2020. Socius. DOI 10.1177/2378023120980918.

Wrigley-Field, Elizabeth. 2020. “U.S. Racial Inequality May Be as Deadly as Covid-19.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117(36): 21854-21856.

Wrigley-Field, Elizabeth. 2020. “Life Years Lost to Police Encounters in the United States.” Socius. DOI 10.1177/2378023120948718.

Wrigley-Field, Elizabeth. 2020. “Why Individual Dimensions of Frailty Don’t Act Like Frailty: Multidimensional Mortality Selection and the Black-White Mortality Crossover.” Demography 57(2): 747-777.


Huang, Xianbi, Mark Western, Yanjie Bian, et al. 2019. “Social Networks and Subjective Wellbeing in Australia: New Evidence from a National Survey.” Sociology, 53(2): 401-421.

Boyle, Elizabeth Heger, and Joseph Svec. 2019. “Intergenerational Transmission of Female Genital Cutting: Community and Marriage Dynamics.Journal of Marriage & Family, 81: 631–647.

DeWaard, Jack and Jasmine Trang Ha. 2019. “Resituating Relaunched Migration Systems as Emergent Entities Manifested in Geographic Structures”. Migration Studies, 7(1): 39-58.

DeWaard, Jack, Janna E. Johnson, and Stephen D. Whitaker. 2019. “Internal Migration in the United States: A Comprehensive Comparative Assessment of the Consumer Credit Panel.” Demographic Research, 41(33): 953-1006.

Croll, Paul R. and Joseph Gerteis. 2019. “Race as an Open Field: Exploring Identity beyond Fixed Choices.Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, 5(1): 55-69.

Hoekstra, Erin and Joseph Gerteis. 2019. “The Civic Side of Diversity: Ambivalence and Belonging at the Neighborhood Level.” City and Community, 18:195-212.

Goldman, Michael and Devika Narayan. 2019. “Water Crisis Through the Analytic of Urban Transformation: an Analysis of Bangalore’s Hydrosocial Regimes.Water International, 44(2): 95-114.

Hartmann, Doug. 2019. "The Olympic 'Revolt' of 1968 and its Lessons for Contemporary African American Athletic Activism." European Journal of American Studies, 14-1.

Torkelson, Jason and Douglas Hartmann. 2019. “The Racialization of Ethnicity: The New Face of White Ethnicity in Postmillennial America.” Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, 6(3): 302-318.

Hull, Kathleen E. 2019. “Same-sex Marriage: Principle Versus Practice.International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 33(1): 51–74.

Hull, Kathleen E. and Timothy A. Ortyl. 2019. “Conventional and Cutting-Edge: Definitions of Family in LGBT Communities.” Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 16(1): 31-43.

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