MLK Program Requirements

Students in the MLK Program are expected to maintain a cumulative GPA of at least a 2.0 and to earn a term GPA of at least 2.0 each semester. Your records are reviewed each fall and spring semester. If you fail to maintain either a cumulative GPA or a term GPA of at least 2.0, you are placed on academic probation and your advisor is alerted of your need for advice and assistance. Click on the appropriate link below as it pertains to you.


If you are on probation, a probation hold (PB) is placed on your record. You are placed on probation and remain on probation until you can attain both a cumulative and a term GPA of at least 2.0. While you are on probation, your advisor will email you during the 5th week of the semester to remind you to make a probation appointment. This appointment will serve as a check-in to discuss the factors that contributed to your probation, assess your progress thus far, refer you to resources, and plan for the upcoming semester. This appointment should be scheduled after the 5th week of the semester, but prior to your registration date.

For your appointment: 

  • Once your advisor emails you to make an appointment, stop by MLK or call us at 612-625-2300 to schedule an appointment.
  • Complete the Probation Self-Assessment form and bring it to your appointment with you.
  • Your hold will be released once you meet with your advisor and discuss your completed self-assessment form. 

Probation Contract

Students readmitted after suspension will return on probation contract. You will meet with your advisor 3 times during the semester. Make your appointments in a timely manner; registration time is busy, so plan ahead. Bring all the necessary forms for each appointment.

  • Make your first appointment  before the start of the semester to discuss your contract.
  • Make your second appointment near the 6th week of the semester. You must bring with you the Contract Self-Assessment form completely filled out.
  • Make your third appointment before you register, after the 11th week of the semester. Bring these completed forms with you for your third appointment: 

There are several things that can happen when on contract:

  • You could fulfill the terms of the contract, and be off contract and off probation entirely (if both GPAs are above 2.0) for the subsequent semester.
  • You could fulfill the terms of the contract, but still be on probation (because your cumulative GPA is still below 2.0) for the subsequent semester.
  • You could be dismissed, because you did not fulfill the terms of the contract.


If you were suspended...

If you are already on probation, and both your semester GPA and cumulative GPA drop below a 2.0, you will be suspended. A suspension usually lasts for two semesters (1 academic year). After your suspension term, you can apply for readmission by submitting a letter of readmittance to the MLK office.

You may take courses at other institutions while away from the University, and receive credit for those courses (please check with U of M admissions or your major department to make sure that the courses you are thinking of taking will transfer in).

For most students who have been suspended, taking some time off from the University is a good thing, as it provides an opportunity to reevaluate your goals and priorities and to work through whatever issues were keeping you from performing at your maximum potential.

Refer to for the Request for Readmission After First Suspension Handout. 

Readmittance Timeline

The Scholastic Committee requires that all readmission materials

for evaluation be submitted by the following dates:

Fall semester: From the third week of spring semester to the end

of the second week of fall semester.

Spring semester: From the third week of fall semester to the end

of the second week of spring semester.

Summer session: From the third week of spring semester to the

beginning of the second summer session (early July).

Procedure for Readmittance (After Suspension)

  1. Write a statement answering the following questions:

    a. For what semester are you seeking readmission?

    b. What factors/behaviors contributed to your suspension? 

    c. What did you do with your time away from the University of Minnesota? 

    d. What has changed and what do you plan to do differently to ensure a successful academic semester/career?

    e. What major or academic plan will you be pursuing upon readmission?  

  2. Submit the statement to the MLK Scholastic Committee Representative, by emailing an attached word document to [email protected] Subject: Suspension Readmission Statement. Or, you may also mail your statement to:

    MLK Program

    Attn: Charissa Blue

    33 Appleby Hall

    128 Pleasant St. SE

    Minneapolis, MN 55455

  3. The MLK Scholastic Committee Representative will email you upon receipt of your statement and ask you to make an appointment. Once you are contacted by the representative, you must make an appointment by calling 612-625-2300.* 

  4. If you have attended any schools in the interim, please bring a copy of your transcript (official or unofficial) to the appointment. 

The appointment should be made in a timely manner. Please do not wait until the start of the semester. The Committee reserves the right to defer your readmission at any time. After your meeting with the MLK Scholastic Committee Representative, you will be notified in writing within one week of the Committee's decision.

* If you are an International student and you are out of the country, you do not need an appointment; however, the Committee does reserve the right to request a phone interview.