Programs & Resources

We have many programs and resources that provide opportunities for community members to benefit from our College’s expertise, or to be engaged with us in some way. While most are intended for the general public, some are intended for particular segments of our community, such as K-12 educators or youth. These programs and resources include in-person opportunities, as well as online.

Art Galleries 

Learn about the various current and upcoming exhibitions in the College’s various art galleries.

Emerging Artist Exhibition Program 

The Department of Art hosts the Emerging Artist Exhibition Program to give emerging Minnesota artists an opportunity to participate in solo or group exhibitions at the Quarter Gallery in the Regis Center for Art at the University of Minnesota.


The Julia M. Davis Speech-Language-Hearing Center offers a broad range of services for individuals with impairments of speech, language, and hearing.

Statistical Consulting Center

Receive help and collaboration with projects involving statistics and data science.

  • Global Race, Ethnicity, and Migration (Global REM) Modules

    Access modules that allow educators to browse over 20 topics related to immigration history organized by region, theme, and age level.

  • Green German Project 

    Review a collection of open-access teaching materials and curricular resources related to sustainability and environmental topics for use by intermediate-advanced level German language and culture teachers, students, and curriculum designers.

  • Holocaust & Genocide Education

    Learn about a variety of resources related to teaching about the Holocaust and genocide, including resource guides, workshops, and institutes.

  • Institute for Global Studies Educator Resources

    Explore lesson plans, websites, and resource lists that have been developed by licensed K-12 teachers.

Department of Psychology Research Experience Program Active Research Projects

Explore a list of opportunities for members of the general public to participate as subjects in research studies currently taking place. Some studies may require subjects to meet specific criteria and some may offer compensation.

  • Genocide Education Outreach Program

    An opportunity for community educational institutions and organizations to invite graduate students to offer a lecture or workshop on a topic related to genocide that matches the community’s needs.

  • The Medieval Book in the K-12 Classroom

    An opportunity to invite University students into K-12 classrooms to teach about books in Medieval times.