Career Exploration
Where will a degree in our programs take you?
Schedule an appointment with CLA Career Services.
Email CLA Career Services at [email protected] or call them at 612-626-6574.
Students who graduate with one of our degrees bring to their employers a wide range of new ideas and a broad understanding that draws on experiences gained from engaging with other cultures. Our graduates enter a variety of professions because they have transferable skills—from well-developed communication and critical thinking abilities to intercultural competencies.
Our majors have gone on to successful careers in international business, academics, nonprofit organizations, politics, government, publishing, the arts, research, and much more. Others have pursued graduate and professional degrees. A number of majors have received highly competitive Teaching Fulbrights in Germany and in Austria—a stepping stone to future career paths. Graduates of our department have become successful translators, foreign service officers, lawyers, and artists.
Students with degrees from other University of Minnesota colleges (such as the Carlson School of Business and College of Science and Engineering) who also chose one of our minors, match well with employers' need for specialists in these languages. Many studies show that exposure to different cultures is beneficial to career advancement, and bilingual or multilingual individuals get promoted faster to leading positions.
The CLA Career Services office has many resources for CLA students who are exploring potential careers with a liberal arts degree.