Confined Women: The Walls of Female Space in Early Modern Spain

Ed. Brian M. Phillips and Emily Colbert Cairns


Spaces of Confinement

Brian M. Phillips and Emily Colbert Cairns

  1. The Devotional Space of Performance in Counter-Reformation Spain

    Joan F. Cammarata
  2. The Prayer of the Walled-Up Woman: Devotion and Superstition in Spain (1450–1550)

    Gregroria Cavero Domínguez
  3. Confined Conversion: Critiquing Institutional Care for Women in Seventeenth-Century Madrid

    Margaret E. Boyle
  4. Disciplining Sinful Women: Magdalena de San Jerónimo’s All-Work, No-Play Model of Punishment and Rehabilitation

    Stacey Schlau
  5. Giving Birth to Science: Oliva Sabuco and Her Intrusions into the Male Episteme

    Silvia Arroyo
  6. Upon Being “Badly Married”: The Figure of the malcasada in Cervantes’s Novella El celoso extremeño

    Emily Colbert Cairns
  7. Confining the Pícara: Ethnic Violence and Heterotopic Spaces in La Hija de Celestina

    Electra Gamón Fielding
  8. The Enemy Outside the Gates: Isabel the Catholic Queen and the Extramural mujer varonil in Tirso de Molina’s Antona García

    Christopher C. Oechler
  9. Passing through Walls, Transgressing Social Norms: Superstitions about Ghosts and Women in Calderón de la Barca’s La dama duende

    Fernando Gómez
  10. Early Modern #MeToo: María de Zayas’s Response to Women’s Confined Lives

    Ana M. Rodríguez-Rodríguez
  11. Docile Bodies and the Walls of Female Confinement Past and Present: A Biopolitical Look at Orange is the New Black and Chicaba

    Brian M. Phillips
  12. Northworld: Peregrinajes, Prisons, and the (In)escapable Loops of the Open Road

    Stephen Hessel


Women’s Confinement in Early Modern Spain

Anne J. Cruz


Cover Image

The immured nun by Vinzenz Katzler