Crisis Unleashed: Crime, Turmoil, and Protest in Hispanic Literature and Visual Culture
Ed. Diana Aramburu and Nick Phillips
Rethinking Crime Fiction in Times of Crisis: A Multinational Perspective
Diana Aramburu and Nick Phillips
- Swindling in Times of Crisis: Argentine Crime Fictions of the Millennium in Print and on Screen
Carolina Miranda - Cinema of Dissensus: Cultural Crisis and the (Re)Emergence of Spanish Neo-Noir
Scott Boehm - Melodrama and Visual Archives of Madrid in Las chicas del cable
Susan Divine - Radical Exposures: The Photography of Eviction in Crisis-Era Spain
Kathy Korcheck - The Fantastic in Susana Martín Gijón’s Detective Novellas
Michele C. Dávila Gonçalves - Crime, Women, and Fiction: Narrating Urban Puerto Rican Femicide in Ana Lydia Vega’s “Pasión de historia”
Tania Carrasquillo Hernández - “Revenge Is a Dish Best Served Cold“: The “mare defensora“ in Teresa Solana’s “Feina feta no fa destorb“ and Empar Fernández’s “El dia que vaig perdre el món de vista”
Diana Aramburu - The Thrill of the Crime in a Decade of Crisis: Carlos Montero’s El desorden que dejas
Nick Phillips - Crime and Crisis in Mexico: Yuri Herrera’s La transmigración de los cuerpos
Michael Mosier - Policial, Anti-Policial, and the (De)legitimation of the State
Jonathan Dettman
William Viestenz and Collin Diver
Cover Image
Photograph courtesy of Stephen Luis Vilaseca