Debating Hispanic Studies: Reflections on Our Disciplines

Ed. Luis Martín-Estudillo, Francisco Ocampo, and Nicholas Spadaccini


Luis Martín-Estudillo and Nicholas Spadaccini

Part 1: Literary and Cultural Studies

1. Who Works Where: The State of Our Disciplines in a Fragmented Global Frame

Brad Epps

2. Doing and Undoing Hispanism Today

Román de la Campa

3. Latin American Cultural Studies: When, Where, Why?

Mabel Moraña

4. Under the Spell of Magic: U.S. Latin Americanism and Its Others

Emil Volek

5. Hispanism(s) Briefly: A Reflection on the State of the Discipline

David Castillo and William Egginton

6. Back to the Future: A Note on Literature, Ideology, and Knowledge

Tom Lewis

7. Relations between Queer Studies and Cultural Studies

David William Foster

8. Hispanism and Its Disciplina

Margaret Greer

9. Growing Pains: Those of Hispanism and My Own

Edward H. Friedman

10. Golden Age Studies in the 21st Century: A View of the Culture Wars

Anne J. Cruz

11. Hispanists and University Presses

Gustavo Pérez Firmat

Part 2: Hispanic Linguistics


The State of Hispanic Linguistics in the American University

Francisco Ocampo

1. Hispanic Linguistics in the U.S.A.

José Ignacio Hualde

2. Hispanic Linguistics: In a Glass House or a Glass Box?

John M. Lipski

3. Thoughts on the Place of Hispanic Linguistics in the American University

Steven N. Dworkin

4. Expansion in Hispanic Linguistics Needs More Than Numbers

Rafael Núñez-Cedeño

5. Contemporary Spanish Sociolinguistics: Stop the Insanity!

MaryEllen Garcia

6. The Revitalization of Hispanic Linguistics

Almeida Jacqueline Toribio


Cover Image

Photograph by Inés Álvarez Fernández