The Graphic Past: Comic and History in 21st-Century Spain
Eds. Elena Cueto Asín, Carmen Moreno-Nuño, and Heather Campbell-Speltz
Comics in 21st-Century Spain
Elena Cueto Asín and Carmen Moreno-Nuño
- Comics: A Three-Dimensional Art
Michel Matly - From Iberia to Hispania: The Conquest of the Iberian Peninsula in the Spanish Graphic Narrative (1940–2020)
Jacobo Hernando Morejón - The Classics in Vignettes: La vida es sueño as a Case Study in Adapting Literary Classical Works to the Comic Format
Moisés Castillo and Carmen Moreno-Nuño - Avant-Garde Artists and the Aura of Homosocial Creativity: Fermín Solís' Buñuel en el laberinto de las tortugas
Elena Cueto Asín - Fragments of a Civil War: From ‘Otros tiempos’ to Estampas 1936
Pedro Pérez del Solar - "Quería que el lector se pusiera en su lugar" (I wanted the reader to put himself in their place): Techniques for the Recovery of History in Twists of Fate by Paco Roca
Sarah Harris - Metafictional Archive: Memory, mise-en-abyme, and the Atlantic in Miguelanxo Prado's Ardalén (2012)
Arturo Meijide Lapido - In the Interest of Full Dis-Closure: Miguel Brieva's Illustrations of Manuel Vázquez Montalbán's Diccionario del franquismo and the Unending Process of (Un)Learning Francoism
Ofelia Ferrán
Graphic Pasts in Graphic Presents
Rhiannon McGlade