Music Theory

Music theory faculty members possess expertise in current methodologies of analysis, history of theory, and pedagogy. Our program offers instruction in counterpoint, Schenkerian analysis, 20th-century theory, the history of music theory, pedagogy, and a variety of specialized topics.

The theory division supports all programs at the School of Music through coursework and expertise at every degree level. Undergraduate students may focus their studies in music theory with the bachelor of arts with academic emphasis, while the graduate programs in theory offer professional training for careers in teaching and scholarship.

Theory Faculty

Faculty in Other Departments

  • Michael Gallope** (Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature): African Diaspora, improvisation, music and sound studies, continental philosophy, critical theory, visual culture, theories of modernism.
  • Charles Kronengold (Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature): popular media, genre, soul and dance music, film music.
  • Elliott Powell(American Studies, College of Liberal Arts): Hip-hop, sampling, Afro-South Asian musical intersections, world music, queer theory.
    **Affiliate faculty member of the School of Music. 
