
Portrait of Barbara Horvath

Undergraduate Advisor
Barbara Horvath
202 Nolte Center

Summer 2024 Office Hours
Available by appointment.

Peer Advisor
Amy Hoskins
219 Nolte Center

Summer 2024 Office Hours:
No Summer office hours

Schedule a Peer Advising Time

Current and prospective students are welcome to meet with the technical writing and communication advisors to find your fit in our undergraduate programs.

Undergraduate Advisor

Barb Horvath, the Undergraduate Advisor will help you with the following:

  • Approval of transfer credits 
  • Selections for plan classes
  • APAS exceptions
  • Approval of major and minor declarations
  • Tracking your progress for graduation

Peer Advisor

Amy Hoskins, the Peer Advisor, will help you with the following: 

  • Major and minor program requirements 

  • Recommendations for your first major classes 

  • Completing the major and minor application process

  • Information on TWC courses

Other Advising

For advising outside of the technical writing & communication program (college and liberal education requirements, transfer credits, and other APAS issues), see your CLA advisor