Graduate Programs

If you are interested in graduate study in political science, the University of Minnesota's Department of Political Science provides excellent opportunities. We have distinguished and diverse faculty, who are strongly committed to working closely with students, and bright and dedicated graduate students. Our location in a major research university in one of the larger metropolitan areas in the country provides exciting extra-departmental opportunities. Our program also participates in PoliSci U - Advanced Methodology, a cooperative program run between four Big 10 schools to provide advanced political methodology training.

The Department of Political Science offers a full PhD program in Political Science. We do not admit to a terminal master’s degree; however, students in the PhD program may earn a master’s degree on the way to their doctorate.

Graduate Programs

PhD Program At-A-Glance

  • Average course load per term: 9-12 credits (3-4 courses)
  • Total credits required: 36 course credits and 24 thesis credits
  • Average GPA: 3.82
  • Number active students in program: 51
  • Years of full funding: 5

Graduate Courses

We offer a rotating selection of graduate courses every semester. Department faculty teach seminars as readings or research courses on a variety of thematic and temporal topics. View our current and upcoming courses in Schedule Builder.