Editorial & Leadership Positions in Political Psychology

Faculty affiliated with the Center for the Study of Political Psychology have distinguished themselves as editors and editorial board members in key journals and in leadership roles in various organizations in political psychology and in the home disciplines. Below is a sampling of the service roles played by our faculty over the years.

Editorial Positions

  • Advances in Political Psychology
  • American Journal of Political Science
  • American Political Science Association Experimental Politics Section Newsletter
    • American Politics Section Editor (2012-2013, Myers)
  • American Political Science Review
  • Annual Review of Psychology
    • Editorial Committee (2001-2005, Borgida)
  • Health Communication
    • Editor (2020-present, Vraga)
  • Journal of Communication
    • Editor (2019-Present, Vraga)
  • Journal of Personality and Social Psychology/Attitudes and Social Cognition
  • Journal of Politics
    • Editorial Board Member (2009-2011, Federico)
  • Law and Human Behavior
    • Editorial Board Member (1993-2002, Borgida)
  • Oxford University Press Series in Political Psychology
    • Editorial Board Member (2009-present, Federico)
  • Policy Insights From the Behavioral and Brain Sciences
    • Editorial Board Member (2018-present, Borgida)
  • Political Psychology (Journal of the International Society of Political Psychology)
  • Psychology, Public Policy, & Law
    • Editorial Board Member (1999-2002, Borgida)
  • Routledge Studies in Political Psychology
    • ​​​​​Editorial Board Member (2011-present, Borgida)
    • Series Editor (2011-2019, Lavine)

Leadership Positions

  • American Psychology Association
    • Advocacy Coordinating Committee Member (2021-2023, Borgida)
    • Dissertation Award Committee Member (2019, Borgida)
    • Elected Representative for APA District 8 APA Council of Representatives (2020-2023, Borgida)
  • American Political Science Association
    • Democratic Innovations Related Group President (2023-2024, Myers)
    • Diversity and Inclusion Program Mentor (2022, Toff)
    • Experimental Research Section Best Paper Award Committee Member (2012, Myers)
    • Organized Section on Political Psychology, Professional Issues Panel Member and Chair (2003-2006, Federico)
    • Political Communication Best Dissertation Award Committee Chair (2023, Toff)
    • Political Communication Best Dissertation Award Committee Member (2022, Myers)
    • Political Communication Best Paper Award Committee Member (2019, Toff; 2023, Myers)
    • Political Psychology Best Book Award Committee Member (2016, Myers)
    • President, Political Psychology Section (2007-2008, Lavine)
    • Vice President, Organized Section on Political Psychology, (2007-2008, Federico)
  • Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
    • Tankard Book Award Reviewer (2019, Toff)
  • Association for Psychological Science
    • Board of Directors (1999-2002, Borgida)
  • Caregiver Bias Working Group and Family Responsibility Discrimination (FRD)
    • Class Action Working Group Member, Center for Worklife Law, University of California Hastings College of Law (2005-2010, Borgida)
  • Federation for the Advancement of Brain and Behavioral Sciences
    • Board of Directors Elected Member-at-Large (2015-2016, Borgida)
    • Representative for Society of Experimental Social Psychology (2011-2014, Borgida)
    • Vice President (2017-2019, Borgida)
    • Vice President-elect (2016-2017, Borgida)
  • International Advisory Board
    • European Commission, Board Member (2009-2012, Borgida)
  • International Communication Association
    • Journalism Studies Public Engagement Award Committee Member (2022-2023, Toff)
    • Pre-Conference Co-Organizer (2023, Toff)
  • International Society for Political Psychology Annual Meeting Committee
    • Section Chair, Political Decision Making (2010-2011, Federico)
  • International Society for Political Psychology
    • Governing Council Member, (2014-present, Federico)
    • President (2023-present, Federico)
    • President, Organized Section on Political Psychology (2008-2009, Federico)
    • Section Chair, Leadership and Political Personality (2011-2012, Federico)
    • Vice President (2018-2023, Federico)
  • Routledge Studies in Experimental Political Science
  • Social Psychology Program
    • National Science Foundation Advisory Panel (1997-2000, Borgida)
  • Social Science Research Council
    • Board of Directors (2000-2006, Borgida)
  • Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
  • Society of Experimental Social Psychology
    • Executive Committee (2009-2011, Borgida)
  • Time-Sharing Experiments for the Social Sciences (TESS)
    • Associate Principal Investigator (2001-2006, Borgida; 2010-present, Federico)