Faculty affiliated with the Center for the Study of Political Psychology have received numerous awards and honors over the years. Below is a sampling of the recognition our faculty have received.
Learn more about Eugene Borgida.
- Vice-President-Elect, Vice President, Past Vice President, Board of Directors; Federation of Associations in Behavioral and Brain Sciences; 2016-2021.
- J.R. Kantor Memorial Lecture, Denison University, 2014.
- Elected Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2013.
- Distinguished Service Award, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, 2013.
- Charter Fellow, Midwestern Psychological Association, 2009.
- Fesler-Lampert Chair in Urban and Regional Affairs, University of Minnesota, 2002-2003.
- Scholar of the College, College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota, 2000-2003.
- Fellow and Charter Member, Association for Psychological Science, 1997.
- Morse-Alumni Distinguished Professor of Psychology, University of Minnesota, 1996-present.
- The Gordon Allport Intergroup Relations Prize (with L.A. Rudman), American Psychological Association, 1994.
- Fellow, American Psychological Association.
- NIH/NCI Administrative Supplement for Tobacco Regulatory Research on the Public Display of Harmful and Potentially Harmful Constituents (HPHC) Information. “Consumer perceptions of smoke less tobacco constituents as a function of public display format.”, (with I. Stepanov, B. Loken, D. Hatsukami), 2015-2016.
- NSF REU Supplement. Volunteerism among private-land owners for detection of invasive species. National Science Foundation, Decision, Risk and Management Sciences Program, (with D. Andow and T. Hurley), 2013-2014.
- National Science Foundation, Decision, Risk and Management Sciences Program, for “Volunteerism among private-land owners for detection of invasive species,” (with D. Andow and T. Hurley), 2011- 2012.
- Tobacco Control Research Branch, National Cancer Institute, for “Tobacco Harm Reduction Network,” (with D. Hatsukami), 2011-2012.
- National Academy of Arbitrators for “Subtle influences, significant effects: Understanding arbitration decision-making in order to guard against bias,” 2009-2010.
- The Pew Charitable Trusts for “Research assessment of the National High School Civic Engagement Coalition, Project 540,” (with J. Farr), 2002-2004.
- NIH Cancer Center and University of Minnesota Transdisciplinary Tobacco Use Research Center (TTURC), for “Understanding attitudes toward tobacco harm reduction,” 2002-2004.
- National Science Foundation, and College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota for “Electronic networks and civic life: A longitudinal study.” (with J.L. Sullivan), 2000-2004.
- Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, Program for Interactive Research, University of Minnesota, and National Science Foundation for “Electronic networks: Enhancing civic life or diverting scarce resources?” (with J.L. Sullivan), 1996-1997 and 1997-1999.
- U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for “Scientific evidence in sex discrimination litigation,” 1995-1999.
- Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Grant-in-Aid for “The media, the law, and highly publicized trials: Assessing the effects of the OJ Simpson trial on knowledge of and attitudes about the justice system,” 1994.
- Conflict and Change Center, Hubert H. Humphrey Institute, University of Minnesota, for “Sexual harassment in academia: Procedural justice issues in informal versus formal dispute resolutions,” 1992-1993.
- National Institutes of Health for “Noncompliance in kidney transplantation: Assessment and intervention,” (with M.H. Gonzales), 1992-1997.
- National Science Foundation for “Assessing the effects of news media in the courtroom: A field experiment,” (with S.D. Penrod), 1990-1992.
Learn more about Christopher Federico.
- Beverly and Richard Fink Professor in the Liberal Arts, 2020-2023
- Election to Vice President, International Society of Political Psychology, 2018.
- David O. Sears Book Award, for Open Versus Closed (with Christopher Johnson and Howard Lavine), International Society of Political Psychology, 2018.
- Selected as SPSP Fellow, Society for Personality and Social Psychology, 2018.
- Morton Deutsch Award for the paper: “Political Expertise, Social Worldviews, and Ideology: Translating ‘Competitive Jungles’ and ‘Dangerous Worlds’ Into Ideological Reality.” International Society for Justice Research, (with C.V. Hunt and D. Ergun), 2010.
- Erik H. Erikson Early Career Award, International Society of Political Psychology, 2007.
- Roberta Sigel Award for Best Paper by a Junior Scholar, for the paper: “Race, Education, and Individualism, Revisited,” International Society of Political Psychology, 2007.
- American National Election Study Pilot proposal accepted, for an ANES Need for Cognitive Closure Scale (with John Jost, Arie Kruglanski, and Antonio Pierro), 2006.
- Graduate Division Dissertation Year Fellowship, UCLA, 2000.
- Bertram H. Raven Award for Best Social Issues Research Paper, Social Psychology Program, UCLA, 1999.
- National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, 1996.
- Seed Grant for Social Science Research, $6,000, to Christopher M. Federico, C. Daniel Myers, and Benjamin Toff, "Tracking the Psychological Foundations of Political Judgment Over the 2020 Campaign: The 2020 Minnesota Multi-Investigator Study" (University of Minnesota, College of Liberal Arts).
- CSPP Research Grant, $1400, to Wen Bu, Zack Crowley, and Christopher M. Federico, "Mapping Individual Differences in Centrality of Politics to the Self" (University of Minnesota).
- Principal Investigator, “Ability, motivation, and the use of ideology,” National Science Foundation (BCS-0742455), 2008-2009.
- Co-Investigator (PI: Paul Goren), “Party Identification and Core Values: A Comparative Analysis,” Arizona State University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Catalyst Grant, 2005-2006.
Learn more about Paul Goren.
- Russell Sage for project titled "The Dynamics of Racialization: How Welfare Evaluations Reproduce Racial Stereotypes and Aggravate Symbolic Racism." ($125,856).
- Red Motley Exemplary Teaching Award, College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota, 2012.
- First Prize in the American Association for Public Opinion Research Student Paper Competition for “Political Expertise and Issue Voting in Presidential Elections,” 1997.
- Mellon Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, University of Pittsburgh, 1996-1998.
- Russell Sage for project titled “The Dynamics of Racialization: How Welfare Evaluations Reproduce Racial Stereotypes and Aggravate Symbolic Racism”, 2015.
- University of Minnesota Grant-in-Aid, 2013.
- Department of Political Science, MacMillan Travel Grant, 2011.
- National Science Foundation: Time-Sharing Experiments in the Social Sciences (TESS), for “Race and Big Government in the Age of Obama,” 2010.
- The Graduate School, University of Minnesota, 2007.
- University of Minnesota Grant-in-Aid, 2007.
- Institute for Social Science Research, Arizona State University (with M.C. Kittilson and Christopher M. Federico), 2005.
- Summer Research Fellowship Award, Southern Illinois University, 2000.
Learn more about Howard Lavine.
- David O. Sears Book Award, International Society of Political Psychology, for "Open Versus Closed: Personality, Parties, and the Politics of Redistribution," 2018.
- Joseph L. Bernd Best Paper Award, Southern Political Science Association, for "Racial Diversity and the Dynamics of Authoritarianism," 2017.
- Human Rights Initiative Award, University of Minnesota, 2017.
- Robert E. Lane Book Award, American Political Science Association, for "The Ambivalent Partisan: How Critical Loyalty Promotes Democracy," 2013.
- David O. Sears Book Award, International Society of Political Psychology, for "The Ambivalent Partisan: How Critical Loyalty Promotes Democracy," 2013.
- Erik H. Erikson Early Career Award for Research Achievement, International Society of Political Psychology, 2004.
- Senior Fellow, SUNY-Moscow State University, Center for the Study of Russia and the United States, 2002-2003.
- Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program Award, Northern Illinois University, 1998.
- Ford Foundation Grant, 2018-2019.
- Joan Aldous Grant Diversity and Public Engagement Grant, 2016.
- Grant-in-Aid, University of Minnesota, "On The Psychological Underpinnings of Electoral Choice in Real Time: The 2016 Minnesota Multi-Investigator Panel Study", 2015.
- National Science Foundation: Time-Sharing Experiments in the Social Sciences (TESS) Award: “Party over Policy or Policy over Party: The Moderating Role of Partisan Ambivalence,” (with Marco Steenbergen and Christopher Johnston), 2009.
- Stony Brook University, Department of Political Science Seed Grant, 2009.
- American National Election Study, 2008 Panel Study Competition Winner for “Self-Monitoring and Political Attitudes” (with Adam Berinsky), and for “Partisan Ambivalence and the American Electorate,” (with Marco Steenbergen), 2008.
- American National Election Study, 2006 Pilot Study Competition Winner for “Self-Monitoring and Political Attitudes,” (with Adam Berinsky), and for “Alternative Measures of Partisan Ambivalence,” (with Marco Steenbergen), 2006.
- National Science Foundation: Time-Sharing Experiments in the Social Sciences (TESS), for “Ideological Asymmetry in American Politics,” Special Competition Winner, (with Stanley Feldman), 2004.
- National Science Foundation: Multi-Investigator Study I, Module Contributor on Attitudinal Involvement (with John Sullivan and Eugene Borgida), 1994.
- University of Minnesota Graduate School Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, 1993-1994.
Learn more about C. Daniel Myers.
- Best Dissertation Award, APSA Experimental Politics Section, 2012.
- Best Paper by a Graduate Student, Southern Political Science Association, 2011.
- Seed Grant for Social Sciences Research, 2023.
- Institute for Advanced Study Residential Fellowship, 2022.
- Institute on the Environment Mini-Grant, 2020.
- Seed Grant for Social Sciences Research, 2019.
- Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, "Evaluating the Quality of Deliberation in the Rural Energy Dialogues," 2018-2020.
- Grant in Aid of Research, Artistry, and Scholarship, 2018.
- Joan Aldous Diversity and Engagement Grant, "Deliberation About the 2016 Election", 2016.
- National Institutes of Health, "Deliberative Engagement of Communities in Decisions about Research Spending", 2015-2017.
- Institute on the Environment, Mini-Grant, "World Wide Views on Climate Change", 2015.
- Agency of Healthcare Research & Quality, "Engaging Michigan Communities in Deliberations about Medicaid Priorities", 2014-2017.
- Patient-Centered Outcome Research Institute Pilot Grant, for “Public Deliberations About Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Priorities,” 2012-2014.
- Mamdouha S. Bobst Center for Peace and Justice Research Grant, for “Information and Democratic Deliberation in Local Politics,” 2010 and for “Information and Deliberation: An Experimental Approach,” 2008.
- Princeton Laboratory for Experimental Social Science Grant, (D. Glick and C. D. Myers), for “Altering and Following,” and (D. Tingely and C. D. Myers) for "Emotion and Trust,” 2010.
- Princeton Laboratory for Experimental Social Science Grant, for “Decision Rules, Preferences and Information Sharing,” 2009.
- Research Program in Political Economy Research Grant, for “Participation and Punishment,” 2008.
Learn more about John L. Sullivan.
- Fellow, American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 2007-present.
- Philip Converse Award for the Most Outstanding Book Published Five or More Years Ago, given by the American Political Science Association’s Organized Section on Elections, Public Opinion and Voting Behavior, 2006.
- Harold Lasswell Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions to the field, International Society of Political Psychology, 2002.
- Graduate Teaching Award, Award for Outstanding Contributions to Postbaccalaureate, Graduate, and Professional Education, University of Minnesota, 2002.
- Arlene Carlson Chair in American Government and Politics, Department of Political Science, University of Minnesota, 2001-2008.
- Regents’ Professor, University of Minnesota Board of Regents, 1999-present.
- Faculty Mentor Award, Women’s Caucus in Political Science, American Political Science Association, 1996, for mentoring women graduate students in Political Science.
- Best Book Award for best book published in 1995, With Malice Toward Some, presented by the Political Psychology Section of the American Political Science Association in 1996. (with George E. Marcus, Elizabeth Theiss-Morse, and Sandra Wood).
- Undergraduate Teaching Award, Horace T. Morse-Minnesota Alumni Association Award for Outstanding Contributions to Undergraduate Education, University of Minnesota, 1995.
- Distinguished Paper Award, best paper presented at the 1995 annual meeting, American Educational Research Association, Social Studies Education. (with Patricia G. Avery, Christopher Anderson, Elizabeth S. Smith, and Patricia V. Pederson).
- Scholar of the College, College of Liberal Arts, University of Minnesota, 1992-95.
- Distinguished Paper Award, best paper presented at the 1992 annual meeting, American Educational Research Association, Social Studies Education. With Patricia Avery, Karen Bird, Sandra Johnstone, and Kristina Thalhammer.
- National Science Foundation, for “Electronic Networks and Civic Life: A Longitudinal Study,” (with Eugene Borgida), 2000-2004.
- College of Liberal Arts, Social Sciences Strategic Initiative, for “Electronic Democracy,” (with Eugene Borgida),1999-2000.
- National Science Foundation, for “Electronic Networks: Enhancing Civic Life or Diverting Scarce Resources?” (with Eugene Borgida),1997-1999.
- Pew Charitable Trusts, with Rock the Vote, for “Rock the Nation: Young Adults and Civic Participation,” (with Wendy Rahn and Mark Snyder),1996-98.
- Center for Urban and Regional Affairs, for “Electronic Networks and Civic Life,” (with Eugene Borgida),1996-97.
- Co-Founder, Center for the Study of Political Psychology, University of Minnesota Graduate School (with Eugene Borgida),1995-98.
- National Science Foundation, for "Contemporary Influences on Political Tolerance," (with George E. Marcus and Elizabeth Theiss-Morse), 1993-95.
- Study of Internal and External Constituencies of the University of Minnesota System, Office of the Vice President for External Relations and Minnesota Center for Survey Research, 1990.
Learn more about Benjamin Toff.
- Kaid-Sanders Award, International Communication Association, 2020.
- Bob Franklin Outstanding Article Award Finalist, International Communication Association, 2020.
- Heinz Eulau Award, American Political Science Association, 2018.
- E. E. Schattschneider Award, American Political Science Association, Political Communication section, 2017.
- Best Dissertation Award Honorable Mention, International Communication Association, Political Communication division, 2017.
- Interdisciplinary Collaborative Workshop, University of Minnesota College of Liberal Arts, for "Eighty Years of the Minnesota Poll: Past, Present, Future of Public Opinion Research," 2024-2025.
- Mini-Grant, University of Minnesota Institute on the Environment, for "Evaluating Health-Related Appeals as a Communication Strategy to Reduce Polarization around Support for Climate Change Policies," 2022.
- Seed Grant for Social Science Research, University of Minnesota College of Liberal Arts, for "Tracking the Psychological Foundations of Political Judgement Over the 2020 Campaign: The 2020 Minnesota Multi-Investigator Study," 2020-2021.
- Grant-in-Aid, University of Minnesota Office of the Vice President for Research, for "Avoiding the News: Vanishing Audiences for Journalism," 2019-2020.
Learn more about Emily Vraga.
- Krieghbaum Mid-Career Award, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC), 2024.
- Sharon Dunwoody Early Career Award, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2020.
- Finalist, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly Outstanding Article Award, for "New media, new relationships to participation? A closer look at youth news repertoires and political participation," 2018.
- Best Reviewer Award from the International Communication Association, Political Communication division, 2018.
- Top paper in Children, Adolescents, and Media Division, ICA, for "Sparking interest, modeling consumption: A contingency model for youth news socialization," 2015.
- GHI Collaborative Research Seed Grants, Georgetown University, for "Fact checks around the world: Exploring effectiveness of journalistic fact checks to correct health misinformation on social media in three countries," 2019.
- IAMCR/ICEA Climate Communication Award, for "Countering climate misinformation with humor and active inoculation," 2019.
- Page/Johnson Legacy Scholar Grants, for "Combatting the spread of fake news and misinformation on social media," 2018.
- Georgetown University, for "Using news media literacy interventions to combat misinformation on social media," 2017.
- Carnegie Corporation of New York, for "Young adults, media flows, and electoral engagement: Understanding how campaign dynamics drive Millennials' knowledge and participation," 2016.
- Office of the Vice President for Research and Economic Development at the University of Iowa, for "Examining the effectiveness of embedding news media literacy messages in a news aggregator," 2016.
- Multidisciplinary Research Initiative Planning Committee of George Mason University, for "Health narratives: A multidisciplinary approach to understanding health-related information generation and dissemination in social media," 2015.
- Office of the Vice President of Research and the Center's C. Esco and Avalon L. Obermann Endowment Fund at the University of Iowa, for "Media literacy education and the challenge of promoting critical consumption of news," 2015.