Leadership Opportunities

Psychology Student Organization Leadership 

Learn about leadership opportunities available through our Psychology Student Organizations: Association of Black Psychology Students, Industrial-Organizational Psychology Club (IOPC), Psychology Club/Psi Chi, and Psychology International Student Association (PISA).

Psychology Undergraduate Student Advisory Council

Logo for the Psychology Student Advisory Council

The Psychology Undergraduate Student Advisory Council seeks to connect Undergraduate Psychology majors to each other and Department leadership with a focus on making changes necessary to support learning and engagement in a more inclusive and diverse climate. Students serving on the council will be expected to convene twice yearly in a structured Town Hall. They will have the opportunity to share advanced anonymous feedback and to discuss pertinent topics in an open event format with Department leadership and students in Psychology. The Council has representatives from the Psychology Student Groups and Undergrad Advising. The Council will also look for 8-12 declared psychology majors each year. Active members must be declared psychology students (majors only) when applying to and being accepted to the Council and must remain declared psychology students for the entirety of their active membership. View past meeting minutes. Contact [email protected] for more information. 

Psychology Department Diversity Committee 

The Psychology Department Diversity Committee is responsible for matters related to the recruitment, retention, and well-being of underrepresented students faculty, and staff in the department. The recruitment of a diverse body of graduate students is a primary concern of this committee. This committee works to improve the advertisement of the department and its graduate programs through paper and electronic media to the national community, and it works to address issues raised in the annual Gender Climate Surveys. In partnership with the department, the committee also coordinates the annual Undergraduate Diversity in Psychology Program, which is held in October each year. Finally, the committee collaborates with the Tri-Psych Diversity group to facilitate activities across Psychology, Institute of Child Development, and Educational Psychology, and works with the department administration to plan the Diversity Colloquium series. One Psychology undergraduate student serves on the committee for a one-year term. Contact [email protected] for more information about the opportunity to be recommended to join this committee.

Psychology Undergraduate Advising Student Employment 

Interested in a paid position within the Department of Psychology? Student employees in Psychology Undergraduate Advising communicate with fellow students about campus opportunities and resources and while helping to manage the various functions of the Psychology Undergraduate Advising office. Peer advisors and student office assistants have the opportunity to work closely with psychology departmental staff and faculty, as well as gain valuable professional development skills. Check the University of Minnesota Employment board and the Psych Scoop for openings.