Real-World Experience
We offer undergraduate students a number of opportunities to learn outside the classroom, obtain job skills and real-world experience, and make connections on campus and in the community. There are multiple ways for you to be involved, including observation hours, service learning, and research.
Observation Hours
A great way to learn more about speech-language pathology and audiology is to complete observation hours with a licensed professional. Observation hours completed at the undergraduate level may also count towards clinical competencies for students planning to pursue graduate education in speech-language pathology. Learn more about how to obtain observation hours.
We are fiercely committed to community outreach; our community hearing and speech activities are essential to our education and service mission. We are thrilled to be community partners with local schools, businesses, community groups, and organizations supporting the local community. Read about our department's commitment to service-learning.
Research Opportunities
We offer undergraduate students research opportunities with SLHS faculty members or University-wide faculty. Students can gain valuable research experience as undergraduates by participating in the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) and honors students can pursue faculty-directed research as part of their honors thesis. Our faculty created an inspiring YouTube video about research with SLHS. Discover your research opportunities within our department.