Research Opportunities
We offer undergraduate students research opportunities with speech-language-hearing sciences faculty members or University-wide faculty.
Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program
Through the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP), students get paid to pursue a research project with a faculty mentor. UROP can offer you hands-on experience in a field that interests you, and it is a great way to prepare for graduate school and gain work experience. Students can help with projects that faculty have already started, or students can organize their own projects with the help of a faculty member. Find examples of previous SLHS UROP projects, and join the thousands of U of M students who participate in undergraduate research each year.
Honors Research
Undergraduate honors students also pursue research and work with faculty members as part of their honors thesis. Similar to UROP, the research project may be of your own design, or it may be a faculty-initiated project in which you have substantial responsibility for carrying out the work. Learn more about faculty-directed research in the University's Honors Program.
Other Opportunities
If you feel that you do not fit these categories, our department has more research opportunities for you. Our faculty are open to working with undergraduates outside of UROP and the Honors Program, so check out our faculty and reach out to the members who stand out to you!