CLA Voice

The Attributes of Our CLA Voice

We're smart, studious, and driven to succeed. But that doesn't mean we're stuffy. We speak in clear, honest terms. We're relatable. We have a point of view. We're a diverse community of many backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives. We're welcoming, open-minded, and approachable. 

We're all about inspiring people, being forward-thinking, optimistic, positive, hopeful, confident, clear, and interesting.

We believe in empowerment, having an impact, breaking boundaries, making bold discoveries, and pushing the human race forward. 


CLA Brand Values

  • Pride in our strong academic reputation.
  • Cultivating and celebrating diversity in all its forms.
  • Forward-thinking research, innovation, and discovery.
  • Providing a spectrum of opportunities for our students, faculty, staff, and the community.
  • Reimagining the liberal arts for the modern world.
  • Helping create thriving communities, and making a positive, lasting impact on the world.
  • Tackling the tough, important issues, while never backing down from a challenge.

The CLA Voice:

  • Is smart. It makes people think.
  • Engages on a personal level.
  • Is direct, concise, and clear. Is original, surprising, and interesting.
  • Doesn't just provide answers, but inspires thought.
  • Is impactful and dynamic. It communicates with energy and enthusiasm.
  • Is compelling. It spurs curiosity, thought, and action.
  • Is inclusive and inviting. Has depth and meaning.

The CLA Voice Is Not:

  • Long, wordy sentences.
  • Filled with clichés.
  • Overly complex and confusing.
  • Long blocks of copy.
  • Overwhelming with detail or academic speak.

Effective Language Is:

  • Active
  • Short
  • Simple
  • Surprising
  • Positive
  • Smart

Ineffective Language Is:

  • Dull
  • Complex
  • Confusing
  • Cliché
  • Negative
  • Weak
  • Simplistic


These shared values point us toward the characteristics that make up our tone of voice.

  • Bold/Unique - We allow our passion to come through in how we communicate. We are proud of our accomplishments, and it shows in everything we say. 
  • Dynamic - We use actionable, active, dynamic language. We're positive, optimistic, excited about the future.
  • Pragmatic - We're authentic and honest. We tell it like it is; we speak from the heart. We provide answers, but we also pose questions that get people thinking.
  • Smart - We are smart but never condescending. We are confident but understanding and approachable. 
  • Insightful - We engage others and create a dialogue instead of talking at them. We invite conversations whenever possible. 
  • Direct - We are instructive but not long-winded or confusing.
  • Inspiring - We're storytellers, not encyclopedias. We connect on an emotional level. We ignite excitement in others and our enthusiasm is contagious.
  • Clear/Concise - We speak in an easy, casual way. We are simple but not simplistic. We have a lot to say but we say it concisely.
  • Inclusive - We speak in a way that creates unity rather than division. We invite people to be a part of our community and inspire them to contribute their unique position, ideas. and experiences.