Students considering a major, minor, or certificate should gather information early and declare while they are still enrolled in 1004 or 3015. This allows you to make sound, well-informed choices for coursework and study abroad. Declaring locks in the major requirements for your degree so that future changes do not affect you, and it allows the department to communicate with you.
French Studies Major, Minor, and Certificate
In order to learn more about the major and minor in French studies and the certificate in advanced French, and/or to declare one of those programs, please make an advising appointment using the advising calendar. If appointment times do not work with your schedule, please email and propose a few times that would work for you so the adviser can get back to you with an appointment time.
Italian Studies Major and Minor
Students interested in declaring a major or minor in Italian Studies are welcome to schedule an appointment through the FRIT Advising Google Calendar using your UMN email account.
French & Italian Studies Major
Students who are considering a major in French & Italian studies can attend one of the French major/minor declaration sessions or schedule an appointment through the FRIT Advising Google Calendar using your UMN email account..