Graduate Language Certification

GNSD certifies the following languages: Danish, Dutch, Finnish, German, Icelandic, Old Norse, Norwegian, Russian, Swedish, and Yiddish. Certification is based on either prior coursework or testing and must have occurred within the last five years. The "Language Department Certification of Foreign Language Proficiency" form is available in the Forms section on One Stop under Academic status.

Prior Coursework


  • Completion of the first year of the language (1001–1002 or 4001–4002) at the University of Minnesota with a grade of C or better.
  • Completion of Reading German (GER 0222) at the University of Minnesota with a grade of B or better. Please note that the instructor of the course cannot sign the certification form.
  • Completion of two years of the language at another university or college with a C average, or one year of a language at the college level with an average of B or better and a grade no lower than B in the final term. The student must bring a transcript as evidence.

Bring the form and documentation (e.g., transcript) to 320 Folwell.

Dutch, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish

Completion of the first year of the language (1001–1002 or 4001–4002) at the University of Minnesota with a grade of C or better.

Bring the form and documentation (e.g., transcript) to 320 Folwell.


Completion of one year of formal college- or university-level Russian (at least four hours per week in class with a grade of C or better).

Bring the form and documentation (e.g., transcript) to one of the authorized signers.


If you learned the language some way other than through coursework at a college or university, or if you completed your courses more than five years ago, you will need to contact an authorized signer to see if testing is an option. Email [email protected] for the name of an authorized signer for the language you want certified.