Career Exploration
Contact CLA Career Services for specialized career planning for Sociology & Sociology of Law, Criminology, and Justice majors. Call 612-624-7577 for appointments and drop-ins or online here.
Majoring in sociology is an excellent pathway to a career in social service, law, health and health care, law enforcement & reform, education, policy analysis, entrepreneurship, or business or non-profit administration. There are several ways you can market your major depending on the career you are most interested in pursuing.
In sociology, you learn how to understand, evaluate, and embrace racial, cultural, and economic differences. You study interactions within and between groups and individuals. These abilities are an asset in any career. Majors learn concrete skills in research, writing, data analysis, cross-cultural communication skills, and much more. Our alumni report that our core classes in theory (Soc 3701), research methods (Soc 3801), and social statistics (Soc 3811) gave them useful work-place skills that they use daily.
"As a sociology major, my study of people has helped me to successfully work with people from various backgrounds."
—2015 alumni survey
Alumni Profiles
Our department supports and builds upon the richness and diversity of the region in which we are embedded. Alumni report that our core classes in theory, research methods, and social statistics gave them meaningful skills that they use in their daily work.
Bachelor of Science Sub-plans
"I started law school right after college. I founded my own law practice in Wisconsin in 2015. I am a proud U of M graduate and learned a lot of skills in the CLA program that will help me for the rest of my life."
—2015 alumni survey
BS students will choose from one of the following career-oriented sub-plans:
BA students may also pursue minors related to these sub-plans, but they are not required to do so. If you have any questions, please talk to the advisor.
What Type of Work Appeals to Me?
It is important to consider the tasks and duties of the role you plan to occupy. The best way to know what type of work appeals to you is to try on many hats. This can be done through jobs, internships, service learning, or volunteer opportunities. Take advantage of the University of Minnesota's services to get these experiences, both for personal investigation and to expand your professional resume.
- What type of environment do I prefer to work in?
Consider all of your options! Do you want to work in a large organization or a small one? For a non-profit, for-profit, educational institution, or government agency? - What skills do I have and which ones do I want to use?
Be aware of your strengths and weaknesses. Ask yourself if there is a particular area of interest you want to blend with your degree, such as working with a particular age group, cultural group, business knowledge, etc. There may be a great opportunity to add a minor, certificate, or additional educational training/certificate to make you a perfect candidate for the job. - Do I want to go to graduate or professional school?
An undergraduate major in sociology is also excellent preparation for graduate school in sociology or other social science disciplines, law school, or training in a medical profession. Some career areas related to sociology will require graduate work or extra training.
—2015 alumni survey