Student Organization

UMSA students hosting table for ice cream social
2023-2024 UMSA Officers
President: Vacant
Vice-President: Vacant
Ex Officio: Vacant
Secretary: Vacant
Treasurer: Vacant
Social Media/PR Officer: Vacant
Executive Board:  Vacant

University of Minnesota Sociological Association (UMSA) is a place for sociology majors and minors to interact with fellow undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty in a supportive, collaborative, and intellectual environment.  The student group is currently inactive. 

Sociology's student organization:

  • provides a voice for the needs of sociology majors and minors on campus
  • organizes programs of interest to sociology students
  • facilitates understanding and interactions among undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty
  • is committed to valuing a diversity of viewpoints and experiences

Activities, Events, and Panels

UMSA meets monthly and organizes events that offer useful academic and educational information to sociology undergraduates as well as opportunities for networking with sociology graduate students, staff, and faculty.

Our main events include informational panels for sociology undergraduates including a graduate school panel, a UROP panel, and a career panel. We also host faculty speaker lectures and social events including dinner and a movie nights, as well as socials that are open to the entire sociology department and the University's graduate and undergraduate student body.

Get Involved

The best way to get involved in our student group is to attend the events organized by UMSA officers. If you are interested in helping to plan events, email our officers at We also post our upcoming events on Facebook and in the sociology department's e-newsletter. Attending events regularly constitutes membership of UMSA, and all events are open to all sociology majors and minors. There is no application or fee to join.

Check out our announcement
board on the ground floor between
the Social Sciences Building and
Blegen Hall for the most current
UMSA information!

You can also find us on Facebook
and in the Student Union &
Activities directory.

Recent Events

  • PAWS (Pet Away Worry & Stress) event (co-hosted with UPSA)
  • Finals study session (with hot coco in the Teaching Resource Center)
  • Dinner and a movie/TV show with Orange is the New Black & Russia's Toughest Prisons.
  • Informational dinner with CLA Career Services on how to get a job after graduation and find resume-writing help on campus.
  • Welcome reception for sociology's new and visiting faculty on the plaza outside the Social Sciences Building, followed by pizza and a movie. These events are great ways to meet other students. (And enjoy the occasional Chipotle burrito!)
  • Faculty panel discussing upcoming courses of interest to students.
  • Instructors shared tips on how to successfully prepare for the sociology Capstone.
  • Round table discussion with majors who had recently returned from study abroad in countries including Ecuador, Korea, Australia, France, Spain, and India.
  • Alumnus lecture from former sociology honors student Dallas Drake, Principal Researcher and Co-founder of the Center for Homicide Research, on understanding homicide in general and the unique aspects associated with homicides involving the GLBT community.