Transfer Coaching Community
What is the program?
The Transfer Coaching Community provides an additional layer of support to transfer students, particularly students from historically marginalized communities. The program provides students with access to a professional coach, financial incentives, transfer-specific programming, and experiential opportunities. Students are accepted into the program prior to their first semester at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.
Program Includes:
- Monthly 1:1 coaching meetings with a professional coach
- Completion of courses:
- CLA 3001 (1 credit): Transfer Experience in their first semester
- CLA 3002 (1 credit): Career Kickstarter in their second semester
- Attending 2 approved campus events/semester
- Additional financial incentives for completing program components
- Priority consideration for special opportunities around campus
What is coaching?
At its core, coaching offers students mentorship and support, while keeping in mind that students are inherently resourceful, creative, and whole. Coaching looks to the student to identify their needs, values, interests, and skills and then create and execute plans to achieve their goals. Coaching promotes deepened self-reflection and self-awareness, to support students’ self-efficacy and self-advocacy. While not an exhaustive list, these are some things students may talk about with their coach: connection and community, culture and identity, financial fitness, goal setting, health and wellness, leadership development, majors and careers, motivation and achievement, study skills, and time management.
***with many thanks to the PES Student Success Coaching program for its vision of coaching***
Who is the coach?
Abby Hagel! Feel free to contact her at [email protected] with any questions you might have; we're here to help!