Join Marching Band

Marching Band

Tradition is an important part of Big Ten universities. The Pride of Minnesota has been bringing spirit, color, and music to campus for over 125 years. We would love for you to become a part of the band's life and experience the pageantry, excitement, and dedication to excellence for yourself.

Never marched before? We'll teach you!

Not a music major? Neither are 95% of our members.

Worried about the time commitment? With nearly every major represented in our current band, let us know your area of interest. We will have a student contact you and let you know how it works with your upcoming course of study.

Prospective Members

Prospective members are invited to contact us for more information about the program. Members of the band staff, including the directors, graduate assistants, and current members will be happy to answer your questions. If you would like to learn more about joining the Minnesota Marching Band in 2025 and beyond, please complete the Marching Band Interest form.

High school students who wish to join the Minnesota Marching Band through post-secondary option (PSEO) programs should contact their high school counselor for further information. More information about PSEO.

20 Ruttan Hall
1994 Buford Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55108 (In-person hours are currently suspended.)

612-624-4000 or 1-800-234-6564
[email protected]

Not a U of M student?

You do not have to be a U of M student to participate. Part-time college students attending other metro-area schools can take Marching Band as an extension course by visiting this website and following the instructions.

Time Commitment

The Marching Band season officially begins with Spat Camp, the ten-day training period that begins late August and ends on Labor Day weekend. When fall semester classes begin, the band meets Monday through Thursday from 4:15 – 6:00 pm. Additional rehearsals are held on Friday afternoons (4:15 – 6:00 pm) and Saturday mornings before all home football games. The rehearsals avoid conflicts with most classes and allow residence hall students ample time to attend evening meals.

Spat Camp

Spat Camp, the intensive, in-residence preparation camp where students learn music and marching fundamentals, marks the official start of marching band season. Students reside in the residence halls during Spat Camp. A nominal fee covers the cost of housing, meals, and social activities during camp.

Please email us at [email protected] if you have any questions.

Registration and Freshman Orientation

New students must attend University orientation before Spat Camp begins. Students who are assigned orientation dates during the Spat Camp period should contact their college representative and ask to have their orientation rescheduled. Students accepted into the Marching Band will be notified when they can register for MUS 3480, which carries two academic credits.


Brass/Woodwind — 

We have two rounds of new-member woodwind & brass auditions for the Pride of Minnesota. 

  1. Early decision: audition videos due March 1.
    1. By mid March, all auditionees will receive placement on either the band roster or the waitlist. If placed on the roster, you must notify the band of your acceptance by May 1. If placed on the waitlist, your audition will be reevaluated with the second round of auditions mid June and you will be notified of admittance by mid July.
    2. Some scholarships will be awarded based on the early decision auditions. These scholarship offers will be made by mid March.
  2. Regular auditions: audition videos due June 13.
    1. We plan to release our roster mid July.
    2. Some scholarships may be awarded at this time, however students are highly encouraged to complete the early round audition for the greatest scholarship potential.

The audition consists of:

  1. Chromatic scale ascending and descending that showcases your playable range
  2. Your favorite major scale, 2 octaves ascending and descending
  3. A part (1st, 2nd, or 3rd – you select) from "The Minnesota Rouser"
  4. A part (1st, 2nd, or 3rd – you select) from "Minnesota March" (Note: Mellophone players audition on "Go Gopher Victory" instead of “Minnesota March”)
  5. A personal statement answering the following questions: “Why do you want to be a member of the Pride of Minnesota? How have your past experiences prepared you to be part of the band?” The personal statement can be written (max one page) or video-recorded (max two minutes).
  6. Optional: you may also include another selection that helps display your talents (i.e. a prepared piece from solo and ensemble contests)

One bit of advice: don't point directly at your microphone. This distorts the sound on your recording unless you have a good external microphone.

Videos should be posted on a personal YouTube site, then the link should be shared here, along with your personal statements. Please be sure to follow the YouTube directions below.

Submitting the Video

  1. Create a YouTube account (if you have gmail, you automatically have one)
  2. Click the Upload button in the top right corner
  3. It will take you to the Upload page.
    • A little box will appear with the word Public. Click on the little triangle and click Unlisted (this way only people with the link will be able to see your video).
  4. Either drag the video, or select the file of your video to upload.
  5. Make sure to title your video “Your name, Instrument Audition”
  6. Copy and paste the link to your YouTube video (it will give you the link once your video is uploaded) to this form.

If you have any questions about submitting the video, send an email to [email protected]

Audition Music

Fall 2025 Drumline Auditions are April 26 starting at 9 AM in the Marching Band facility at Huntington Bank Stadium.  We will also have an optional rehearsal on April 25 from 7 - 9 PM in the same location.

If you are unable to join us in April but are interested in being on the Drumline, please contact Kelley Lima as soon as possible to make alternative audition plans.

Additional information and audition music can be found at

Learn more about the University of Minnesota Drumline.

If you have any questions, please contact Kelley Lima.

Learn more about the University of Minnesota Drumline.

Color Guard

Auditions are in two parts. The first part is a video submission which is due with your Spat Camp application information. This video can be on DVD, emailed to [email protected] as an attachment (.mov, .wmv, .m4v), or posted on a personal YouTube site. Please visit the audition page to view the audition requirements and additional ways to prepare for the audition process.

The second part of the audition is an in-person Color Guard Camp tentatively scheduled for Aug. 7-10, 2025, which includes learning the audition materials as well as routines for the season. If you are unable to join us for those dates, please contact us at mailto:[email protected] as soon as possible to make alternative audition plans. Students who submit their video submission will be invited to participate in additional (optional) rehearsals prior to the Color Guard Camp.

For incoming Freshman, some scholarships are available that require videos & personal statement to be submitted by March 1st for early decision

* Those scholarship offers would be made mid March. 

* The overall deadline for video submission for placement in the group is still June 13th.

Please visit the audition page to view the audition requirements

Learn more about the University of Minnesota Color Guard.

If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]

Feature Twirler

University of Minnesota 2025 Feature Twirler Auditions – Thank you for your interest in a University of Minnesota Feature Twirler position! We traditionally have three Advanced level twirlers. We hold two rounds of auditions:



Auditions will occur on Saturday, March 1, 2025, at the University of Minnesota Campus. Exact location TBD. The audition will have two parts, the first will be your prepared materials, improvisation, and interview. The second part will entail learning and performing a routine.

Part 1

  • Bring your audition music in the form of a track on an iPod, iPad, iPhone, or an Android phone that can be connected to a larger speaker system via an auxiliary jack or bluetooth.**
  • Prepare a 3-5 minute routine that incorporates 1, 2, and 3 batons (4 batons if skill is available)
  • Be ready to perform an improvised routine to a U of M fight song of the staff's choice. You will have the length of a football field to perform it and should use at least 30 yards to show field movement and strutting capabilities.
  • Be ready to answer interview questions in front of the twirling committee
  • Wear appropriate clothing. You are performing for the University of Minnesota Marching Band directors and the twirling committee. SHOW US YOUR BEST SELF including SHOWMANSHIP!

**A back­up option of your music on a different media device is always recommended in case there are technical difficulties**

Part 2

  • Learn a 1 and 2-baton routine, taught by current University of Minnesota Feature Twirlers
  • Once taught, you will have practice time to memorize and perfect the routine to your best ability
  • You will perform the routine as a group, with the current Feature Twirlers and all auditioning individuals


  • Competition level (Advanced required)

  • Twirling Skill

  •  Body Control

  • Routine and Difficulty of Content

  • Technique and Execution

  • Showmanship and Presentation

  • Improvisation

  • Interview

  • Memorization

The level of twirling difficulty and technique are the most important factors in the audition. The University of Minnesota Feature Twirler position aims to highlight a twirler with well-developed technique who can adapt their skills to various musical styles and fit in with the Pride of Minnesota atmosphere as part of the band in attitude and membership. 

Dynamic routines will highlight strengths and incorporate a variety of turns and catches, toss illusions, highlight performance abilities, multiple baton work, and your maximum potential of difficulty.

*Fire Batons will NOT be allowed at the audition.

Please Note: No one will be allowed to audition without applying  to the University of Minnesota Twin Cities.

If you have any questions about twirler auditions, please contact us at [email protected]
Marching Band Contact & Social Media Information 
420 23rd Ave SE
Huntington Bank Stadium–BAND
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Email the Marching Band 
X (formally known as Twitter)